V2 - Chapter 1: May 1st

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I sat in class and heard the student's of Class D freaking out.

"Dude! Where the hell are my points?" Miyamoto asked aggressively.

"You didn't get any either?" Ike asked.

"Yeah, I spent all my points on condoms to prepare," Miyamoto said.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Hondo asked.

"You can never be too prepared."

"Sure," Hondo said with a sarcastic voice, "look dude, the day you get a girlfriend is the day that we find out we have a once in a generational genius in our class."

"Then why doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Yamauchi asked. "I'm that once in a generational genius you guys were talking about!"

"Oh yeah? What did you spend your points on?" Hondo asked.

"Waifu pillows, what else?"

"'Once in a generational genius' my ass," Ike said.

"Hey! I'll have you know that these waifu pillows were brilliant purchases!" Yamauchi yelled in the classroom, garnering the attention of the surrounding students.

"Waifu pillows? Seriously?" Shinohara asked with a look like she smelled something awful.

"Disgusting," Karuizawa said.

"Perverted monkey," Sato said.

"You bitches! Go suck Hirata's cock!" Yamauchi yelled at them.

Shinohara and Sato blushed at the idea and Karuizawa looked like she had just been violated.

"Go rub it off with your friends onto some drawings," Karuizawa snapped back.

"Drawings? Did you say fucking drawings!? You bitch!" Yamauchi stood up from his seat, causing Karuizawa to flinch.

"Guys, let's all remain friendly here," Hirata said, getting up from his seat.

"You! You're the king of pretty boys! I think it's time for a revolution, who's with me!?"

No one cheered for Yamauchi's "revolution."

"Guys? What the hell are you doing?"

"We're not getting involved in your masochistic fetish," Ike said.

"Fuck you! I thought we were friends!"

"We are. But remember, sexual fetishes are separated from the bros."

"Shit, you're right."

"'Once in a generational genius,'" Hondo said with a snicker.

Yamauchi grew red from embarrassment and sat down.

Then, the familiar tapping of heels was heard and Chabashira sensei entered the room. She stood at the podium and gauged the reactions of her students. Her expression was grim.

"Sensei, are you having your period?" Ike asked.

Chabashira sensei ignored the absurd comment and asked "does anyone have any legitimate questions?"

"Uh, Sae chan, why didn't we get any points?" Yamauchi asked.

"All points for the month have been allotted. There should be no issues."

"But, we received zero points!"

"And as I said, all points have been allotted for the month."

"And we're saying-"

Chabashira sensei cut him off and said "are you guys dumber than rocks?"

"Huh?" Miyamoto let out a stupid noise.

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