V2 - Epilogue: Resolve

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The boss stared at their phone and read the various texts. A heavy sigh released from them. Another successful plan. They were getting bored of the constant success. Despite it being their destiny to always succeed, in a way, the boss hoped something unexpected would occur. That or Project White Wings finally finishes. Those are the hopes of the boss. And those hopes will carry them forward like always.

The boss got up and called Chairman Sakayanagi.

"I would like a progress report on what happened in ANHS."

"Understood. Class 1-D had 33 expulsions this month, a new record," Chairman Sakayanagi said.

"It was Kiyotaka, was it not?"

"Yes, Kiyotaka set the stage for it to happen."

"I see. I just wanted to confirm that Kiyotaka has recovered from his stupor."

"Indeed he has."

A silence fell between the two. Neither said a word, and yet neither hung up the phone.

"...Boss..." Chairman Sakayanagi said quietly, seemingly hesitant to say it.

"What is it?"

"I...have I become a better person?"

"I don't know if that's for me to judge. Shouldn't you be the one to determine that?"

"I suppose so..."

"But, if you want my opinion, I think you are."


"Yes, I think you should continue with my ideas. Then you could finally confront Kiyotaka in person."

"Thank you boss, I truly appreciate it."

"It's no problem. I should get going, so goodbye."


The boss hung up and stared to the ceiling. They stared and stared. Nothing more. They just stared at some incomprehensible thing. Just staring. And staring. Staring. That's all. The boss just stared.

* * *

I stared at the ceiling for no particular reason. I got up and paced my room a bit. Next month, I don't know what will come. But right now, I feel relaxed. It's strange. When was the last time I felt relaxed? I seem to have some sort of inclination to have a never ending state of needing to think recently. But now, it is over for the time being. I just had to let the dust settle and have every student adapt to their new environment.

33 expulsions. 33 crushed dreams. That would certainly have a weight on the school, even if it was only Class D. I was certain that 33 expulsions from one class in one month was unprecedented. I wonder what type of effect it will have on future operations of the school...I shook off the thought. That was irrelevant.

Yes, it truly is irrelevant. Everything was irrelevant. In this world, the only thing that matters is my goal. Nagumo's, Ryuen's, the gleaner's, the smiling liar's, that man's, none of their goals matter. I don't care how many people I have to trample. I don't care how many people I use. In the end, it doesn't matter how it's done. It doesn't matter how long it takes. As long as my revenge is attained, that's all that matters.

 As long as my revenge is attained, that's all that matters

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A/n: That's it for volume 2. 

So there are a few things to talk about. Firstly, the reason why every single chapter was published. I may or may not have written all of this in one sitting because of how much I missed writing...yeah, definitely not.

In other news, I will be returning to daily chapters. So look forward to it (or not).

Now the volume itself. I'm sure the expulsions of 33 students is quite controversial, especially since some of them are well loved too. But this was planned since the volume 1 prologue, and I wasn't going to sacrifice what I had planned to save some favorite characters.

This had multiple things to it. Of course, Ayanokoji already explained why he did it all. But it also has a thematic significance to it. So yeah.

So I am not sorry if one of the 33 is your favorite character (I am a little).

While I don't think anyone cares, Naoe's elimination was also planned from the beginning. So any Naoe fans out there can be sad all they want.

Izanami is not based on the character from the image, I thought I should note that because some of you may know who the image is of.

Also, hints for who the boss is were sprinkled throughout volume 2. So if anyone can guess, I will be impressed. I won't verify it though since I want others to try and figure it out.

So, please give me your final thoughts of the volume overall (even if it is just yelling at me for expelling their favorite character).

Also, if you want to share any theories for the future, go ahead.

And finally, I hope you guys are least liked volume 2 because it was quite ambitious with the two major plans as well as Ayanokoji's character.

So, see you again tomorrow (more like replying to comments, hopefully).

489 words

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