V3 - Prologue: Control

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Life is all about control. As long as control existed, my desires could be completed. As long as I had control, nothing could go wrong.

I remember years ago I was on the playground. At that time, a snake had appeared. At that moment, we kids lost control. We panicked. We feared. And we fled.

Even the adults lost control at that moment. They feared the snake. Because of that, the snake was in control. It could do whatever it desired on the playground.

I remember that I was afraid as well. I was afraid. And yet, when I asked myself why, I couldn't answer. Why would I fear the snake? Why would I let it be in control?

Thus, I picked up a rock and smashed its head. The snake was killed instantly and I was splashed with its blood. I remember the feeling like it was yesterday. It was cool. The heat I felt from earlier was gone as I basked in victory. I was now in control.

I don't know what compelled me to resort to violence, but it gave me control. While I didn't realize it at the time, I learned an important lesson that day. Control was everything. And in order to take it, any method was welcomed.

So, I began to take control over my life. I took control of my class, my school, my house, and so on. Anywhere I could control, I sought after it. Then, one day, I had control, control of everything around me. Everyone around me was under me. And yet, my hunger for control still ached.

So I set my eyes higher, I set them on ANHS. If I could control the "elites" of Japan, maybe then the hunger would be sated. Therefore, I enrolled into ANHS.

I quickly learned that ANHS was something entirely different than I had encountered before. That difference watered my appetite for control. I was truly excited.

However, I encountered an obstacle to my conquest of control. A certain student came into my life. X.

X was undeniably intelligent. What he displayed against the pretty boy attests to that. This student managed to outplay Nagumo and I during April. So, I sought revenge. One loss wasn't enough to deter me.

I began in May, and I shredded through Class D attempting to find X or get any sort of reaction out of him. And yet, no matter how much I did, he never did anything. He continued to hide himself away.

It was at the end of the month that I found out. I found out his true goal. And I found out that I was his pawn the entire time. He completely used me. For what reason, I'm not exactly certain. It seemed like he lived in another dimension from everyone else. Always like a mirage in our plane. Away from us. Away from my control.

Ultimately, as long as X existed, my hunger for control could never be sated. Instead, it only burns more at the thought of enslaving such a being.

I feel it even now, that hunger to bring him in my control. And so, I will continue hunting him down for the rest of my school career.

No matter what it took, I would enslave him.

A/n: And so volume 3 begins. 

This volume might be the shortest, it depends on how long it takes to get the planned out parts made. This takes place in June, so after the events of volume 2 but before the Island Exam. 

While I don't think I have to note this, volume 3 will have almost completely unique content. Since this takes place during canon's volume 2, those events are literally impossible to follow. So yeah, all the content will be new.

Other than that, see you tomorrow for the next chapter.

548 words

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