V2 - Chapter 3: Chaotic Dissonance Part 1

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In my wandering, I found myself in the library. I decided that I may as well browse. I looked through the various shelves, seeing if I could find any books I had never read before. I browsed and browsed, but I couldn't find anything. The only section was the manga section. Maybe I should ask Sotomura sometime for recommendations. I'd rather not read one of these series if it's bad. Especially since some of them were over a hundred volumes.

I looked around in the recent release section and found I had read every single one of them. If they were recent releases, how did I read them? I picked one up and opened the cover to see the date of publication. It was published a month ago. Maybe this book copied the name? I opened it and read the first lines. This confirms it, I've read it before. Specifically at the age of 2. That didn't make sense. Not at all. I put the book back. I picked up another book and found the same thing. It seemed I had read all of the recent releases at ages 1-4 despite them not being released. I don't understand. That doesn't make sense.

I memorized all the titles, authors, publishing companies, and publication dates in a short period of time and moved on. I needed to do research when I returned to my dorm. It should have been impossible to know these books. Maybe I could find answers online. As I was leaving the library, I saw a short silver haired girl trying to reach a book. I walked over and grabbed the book she was reaching for and handed it to her. She looked up at me.

"Thank you," she said with a soft voice and smile.

"No problem," I said. I stared at the cover of the book and asked "Christie? Are you into mysteries?"

"Ah! Yes I am, I find them to be a lot of fun. Could you be a fan too?" She asked with eyes brimming with curiosity.

"I suppose you could say that," I answered vaguely.

"Really!?" The girl asked, excited. Realizing her small outburst, she composed herself and asked "which ones?"

I gazed at all the authors to confirm my observation from earlier, and to pretend that I hadn't looked over it all prior.

"I've read all of these actually."

The girl widened her eyes. "You must read a lot."

"I suppose I did," I said.

"Did?" She asked with a slight head tilt.

"Yeah, I haven't found anything new to read."

"Weren't you in the recent release section though?" She asked.

I paused, I needed to be careful. Theoretically, she could have been in the library every day and has never seen me before. Furthermore, if I was looking for a book to read, it would be unnatural to not take any book from the recent release section. This would mean I would be caught in a difficult situation.

"I read all of them already, I had purchased the ebooks," I said.

"I see, you are quite the avid reader. But why spend points when you could visit the library?" She asked with an innocent expression.

Once more, she asked a problematic question. She brings up a good point, but fortunately I have the perfect excuse.

"Well...I thought we would be getting 100,000 points a month, so I kind of thought it didn't matter much."

The girl developed a sad expression and asked "does that mean you have no private points?"

"Yeah," I said in a quiet voice to fake sadness.

"That's really sad," she said with a frown.

"It's fine, there are free meal options."

"Still...that can't be very appetizing."

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