V1 - Chapter 10: Nagumo vs 'X' Day 4

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Like usual, I was heading to the student council room. However, something strange happened today. I felt a presence from 26.237 meters away. It seemed like they were following me. I stopped walking and the presence also stopped moving.

"You can come out, I know you're following me," I called out to the individual.

No response came from the individual. Fine, I'll do it myself. I bolted over. The person, startled at first, recovered and began scrambling away. However, they were nowhere near fast enough. I grabbed them by the shoulder and arm locked them.

I moved close to their ear and whispered "so why are you following me?"

The student is a first year student based on the fact I had seen them at the entrance ceremony. Furthermore, they were likely a Class C student because of where they stood. The student was struggling to break free.

"Don't struggle unless you want your arm broken."

The student stopped.

"Turn around," I said, letting go of their arms.

The student turned around, causing their magenta hair to sway as he did.

"Kukuku, you're pretty strong," the student said with a weird laugh.

"And you're pretty bad at hiding."

The student burst into laughter and said "you're interesting."

"So why were you following me?"

"You look like a clown and I wanted to see the circus, so I followed you."

I sighed. What a weirdo.

A massive grin donned on the student's face and he said "so you're the legendary 'X?' You don't seem very impressive to me."

"And why do you think I'm 'X?'" I asked.

"If you're not, take off that shit mask."

I took it off "revealing" my face. Apparently my preparation of a face below the mask was beneficial.

"Kukuku, you think I don't know?"

"Don't know what?" I asked, tilting my head.

"You're disguising yourself," the student said with a massive grin.

Unfortunately he already knew I could replicate faces.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter. I just wanted to let you know, I will be your opponent starting from May 1st on."

"Is that so?"


I stared at him coldly and said "I doubt you'll qualify."

The student burst into laughter and then launched a kick straight at my face. I stopped the kick with my hand and flung him against the wall. I walked over to him and lowered my face to be seen in his vision.

"Nice try."

The student then attempted to kick me in the testicles to which I stopped and slammed a right hook straight into his face.

"Shit!" The student cursed.

"Have you had enough?"

"Kuku, you think that's enough to stop me?"

"What the hell is going on here?" A new voice asked. I recognized the owner as Nagumo and turned around.

Nagumo stared at my "true" face.

"You're disguising your face aren't you?"


"Still...I don't recognize this face. Whoever this is based on is quite handsome. If only you didn't have that apathetic face."

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