V2 - Chapter 7: White

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Naoe headed to speak with Ayanokoji about Project White Wings. He arrived at the minimalist office and knocked on the door.

"You may enter," Ayanokoji's voice from behind the door.

Naoe entered and greeted him. "Good afternoon Ayanokoji sensei."

"Good afternoon to you as well, please, take a seat," Ayanokoji greeted and offered a seat with his hand.

Naoe took the seat and asked "how are things on your end regarding Project White Wings?"

"On schedule, no problems are arising."

"That's good. Do you have anything else to report?"

"Not at all."

"Understood," Naoe said. "But, I do have a question."

"What's that?" Ayanokoji asked, interested.

"Do you know anything about the corpse found at ANHS?"

"Of course not, I am far more tactful than that."

Naoe couldn't get a read on whether he was lying or not.

"Is that all?" Ayanokoji asked.

"Actually, I wanted your opinion on blindly following the boss," Naoe said.

"Am I really the best person to ask?"

"I suppose not, but it doesn't hurt."

Ayanokoji sighed and said "I don't have an opinion one way or the other. The boss gets things done, simple as that."

"That's a rather bland way to look at it."

"It's the correct way to look at things. The more ambition you have, the worse your position."

"I see..." Naoe said, not knowing what else to say.

"Mr. Naoe, I hope you know you are asking dangerous questions."

"Of course I know," Naoe said.

"Then why? Do you have some sort of goal? Or was it a test to see my loyalty?"

"Nothing of the sort, I just like hearing others' opinions."

"What a foolish endeavor."

"I suppose you could say that."

"Is that all?" Ayanokoji asked and turned his attention to his plain watch.

"Yes, I believe it is. If you have nothing else to say, then I will take my leave."

Naoe got up and shook hands with Ayanokoji. He walked out of the office and was troubled. It seemed like anyone he asked for their opinions of the boss never gave anything helpful or definitive.

"Ah, Mr. Naoe, what brings you here?" A smiling Tsukishiro asked.

"I was just discussing the progress of Project White Wings with Ayanokoji sensei," Naoe responded.

"That is quite the important project you're discussing."

"Yes, the boss has been crafting this plan for a very long time after all."

"Yes, I remember when it began all those years ago. Almost a decade has passed since. To think the boss could have this much foresight..."

Naoe sighed and said "the boss is a monster, what else would you expect?"

"I suppose monster is one word you could use."

"Do you have another word you would use?"

Tsukishiro's smile disappeared and he said "the boss is the Devil, simple as that."

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