Chapter 7

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Satoru and Eliana sat in the school's cafeteria. After yesterday's abrupt and... unexpected encounter at the cafe, the white haired sorcerer had requested for them to meet again. In more adapted circumstances. He had texted her in the evening, surprised to see his sms going through, a sign that in ten years, the girl had not changed her phone number; and they had agreed to meet the next day, for lunch. 

The atmosphere was very different from the day before's. Eliana had had the time to process her thoughts, and come to terms with what she had just witnessed. She hadn't seen her friend in ten years, so obviously bumping into him in the middle of a date, at the very table where they used to hang out all the time completely set her off. On Gojo's side, well, the man had basically sat through the rest of his presumed date without saying a word. He didn't even touch his milkshake, him who would normally always ask for a refill. 

Eliana had decided to approach things like an adult. She was back in Jujutsu High, yes. But she was back for business. She had a mission to fulfill, and no matter how complicated her past with Gojo was, they had to collaborate, and put their thoughts and history aside. At least for now. 

They were adults now. Special grade sorcerers. And as much as she wanted to have this conversation with her old friend, talk about what happened, and the circumstances in which she had left 10 years ago, she knew there were more pressing matters at hand. The increase in cursed energy incidents required their immediate attention, so their personal matters would just have to wait. 

- "So, how long have you and that girl been toge-"

- "She's not my girlfriend," the white haired man interrupted abruptly, as he bit into his burger. 

Eliana frowned, as she took a sip of water, confused by the man's answer. 

- "Really? Well she for sure seemed like it." 

- "Well she isn't. I don't... date." 

Eliana raised an eyebrow.

- "Oh yeah? So what you just sleep around like a-" 

Satoru jumped over the table to put a hand over the girl's mouth, looking around, panicked. 

- "Shhhh! There's kids around", he said, while Eliana laughed at the man's reaction. 

At the table next to them, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki, who hadn't missed a bit of the conversation, glanced at each other suspiciously. 

- "Yeah I don't date either," Yuji said lightly as he bit into his burger. 

Nobara rolled her eyes.  

- "Yeah? Well, sorry but I don't think it's for quite the same reasons as Gojo-sensei," she replied.

- "Hey, what the hell is that supposed to mean!" 

Nobara simply grinned as Megumi munched on his food, unbothered, somehow wishing he could reincarnate into one of the mural paintings. Anything to not have to sit through those lunchs and hear those two fighting over the stupidest things. 

Back to the 'adults' table, Eliana had finally managed to calm down from laughing too much, while Gojo had regained his seat, his cheeks tinted in red. 

- "Anyways, what about you? And don't even dare tell me you're just seeing people casually after coming at me two minutes ago." 

Eliana raised an unimpressed eyebrow. She took a bite out of her hamburger before resting her head on her hand, looking pensive. 

- "I'm married, actually." 

Gojo nearly chocked on his water. 

- "Mar... What ? How? When? Where? Who..."

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