Chapter 2

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The taxi slowed down as the familiar Bed and Breakfast, which stood at the bottom of the hill where the campus Jujutsu High hid, came into sight. 

- "Are you sure this is the place?" the taxi man asked again as Eliana got out of the car. "This place is quite... well it looks abandoned."

- "Yes, my aunt lives right up the hill", the girl smiled as she handed out money to pay for the ride. "But it's a private lane so I'm just gonna walk there from now. I'll be just fine."

- "If you say so", the man shrugged before driving away, as Eliana stood there with her luggage, her heart pounding heavily in her chest, both in excitement and in apprehension. 

- "Now for the part I like the least..."

She gathered her strength and started to make her way up the hill, and as she progressed through the woods, the surroundings got more and more familiar. The tennis courts, the training fields... And soon, the edifice came into sight. 

- "It hasn't changed one bit", Eliana thought, as she took in the several buildings built in a traditional Japanese architectural style. 

With each step, memories flooded her mind, each corner and pathway evoking a different memory from her past, and she could almost hear the echoes of laughter that had once filled these grounds.

Pushing open the creaking door of the building, Eliana hesitantly stepped inside. The corridor was weirdly quiet. Back in her days, there would always be some movement or animation, whatever the time of the day. And for a Friday at 4pm, the building was definitely way to quiet. 

As she made her way through the silent corridors, memories continued to flood her mind. She passed by the common areas where she and her friends had spent countless hours studying and relaxing... Mainly relaxing to be honest. 

She finally reached the door of Masamichi Yaga's office. Her teacher had now become headmaster of the school. From what he had told her over the phone, when the man had pleaded her to return to Japan to help them for a concerning case, Gojo had himself become a teacher at the school. 

- "Come in", a voice said from the other side of the wall. 

Eliana pushed the door opened and was immediately greeted by the warm smile of her former teacher. 

- "Eliana... Welcome back". Yaga said. 

The young girl smiled in return, feeling a rush of nostalgia at the sight of her mentor. 

- "It's good to see you again, Sensei."

She dropped her purse next to her and took a seat opposite him. Yaga studied her for a moment, before speaking up. 

- "I'm sure you have many questions about why I asked you to come back, especially after all these years with barely any news", he admitted. "But first, tell me... How have you been?"

Eliana hesitated, unsure of where to begin. So much had changed since she left, and she wasn't even sure where to begin. 

- "It's definitely been a journey," she smiled. "So much has happened, and it feels... weird to be back here, that's for sure."

Yaga nodded sympathetically. 

- "I can only imagine," he said. "You look wiser."

- "And you look older."

The two burst out laughing. It was good to see each other again after all this time, and even though they had both gained 10 years, for a moment it felt like they were back in 2006. They were only missing two protagonists though... 

-" But I mean it, it seems you've grown stronger from your experiences, whatever those might have been."

Eliana smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of validation from her teacher's words. 

- "I'd like to think so", she replied. "But enough about me. What's been happening here at Jujutsu High? And especially... what is so important that you wanted me back so suddenly, without any warnings ?"

Yaga's eyes grew somber at that question, and he stared at the ground, sighing loudly. 

- "I won't lie to you, it is no good new. There has been some... troubling events." He admitted. "Repeating incidents involving cursed energy."

Eliana attentively listened as Yaga recounted the various disturbances that had occurred in recent months, each event more concerning than the last. He insisted on how these disturbances had especially grown in frequency and intensity over the past few weeks, spreading fear and uncertainty among the sorcerer's community. 

- "But perhaps the most troubling of all," he said solemnly, "is the discovery of this one boy, who has become Sukuna's vessel after swallowing one of his fingers."

Eliana's eyes widened in shock at the mention of Sukuna. The infamous King of Curses. She had heard countless stories regarding his legendary power and malevolence. She also knew about his mummified fingers, which had since become special grade cursed objects, but she ignored their emplacement. 

- "How did that even happened?" The girl frowned. "Swallowing a mummified finger? I mean, there's plenty other options for a snack..."

- "Well, it happened, and we had planned his execution. He's too big of a threat. But well... Satoru interfered, and he firmly opposed it."

The mention of his old friend's name made Eliana's heart ache. 

- "Where is the boy now?" She asked, straightening up in her chair. 

- "He's here, at Jujutsu High. Satoru took him as one of his students. And speaking of Satoru, I don't want to hold you for too long here. I'm sure you must be impatient to see him again, so I'll..."

Eliana raised an eyebrow. 

- "Gojo and I haven't spoken in years, actually," Eliana interrupted. "I don't even know if he'll remember me. We didn't necessarily... leave each other on good terms." 

Yaga nodded understandingly. He knew the complexities of their past relationship, with what had happened when they were still students. 

- "I see," he said softly. "Well, regardless of the circumstances, I believe he will still be glad to see you again. You guys used to be really good friends, back in the days. Hell, you were inseparables, you, Satoru and Sugu..."

The headmaster stopped mid-sentence, realizing too late that even ten years after, it was still a sensitive topic, and the mention of his name only was enough to make Eliana look away. 

 - "Anyways", he coughed, trying to change the subject, "I didn't tell him you were coming, but I'm sure he'll be very happy to see you. I don't believe he has any missions at the moment, so he should be around."

- "I'll make sure to pay him a visit, then."

Eliana stood up from her chair, grabbing her purse, before looking at her sensei one last time. 

- "Thank you for... well, calling me for help in this specific situation. It's good to be back, really. And I hope I won't disappoint you." 

Yaga smiled warmly. 

- "I know you won't, Eliana," he said. "That's exactly why I contacted you." 

Then, standing up and opening his arms as if making a grand announcement, the headmaster spoke:

- "Welcome back to Jujutsu High!"

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