Chapter 33

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They got back to Jujutsu High quite late that evening, and made their best not to wake anyone when walking up the stairs back to the dorms. 

But that was until they heard some whispers from the other side of the corridor. 

- "What the..." Eliana frowned as Gojo stepped in front of her protectively. 

He signaled for her to stay quiet by putting his finger in front of his lips, and they tip toed towards the source of the noises. 

- "Shhh, Megumi, you're gonna get us caught!"

- "You're stepping on my foot, you dumbass!"

- "Quiet, boys! We need to wait until Gojo-sensei and Eliana-san come back from the restaurant." 

As Gojo and Eliana approached the source of the whispers, they exchanged amused glances. It seemed that their students had been eagerly awaiting their return, perhaps hoping to catch a glimpse of any developments in their relationship.

Together, they continued down the corridor, careful not to make any noise as they approached the dorm room where their students were gathered. As they reached the door, Gojo winked at Eliana before pushing it open with a dramatic flourish. The students' whispers immediately ceased as they turned to see their sensei and Eliana standing in the doorway, their expressions a mix of surprise and anticipation.

- "We, uh... we were just, um..." Yuji stammered, struggling to come up with a coherent explanation.

But he interrupted himself when his eyes laid on the intertwined fingers of his sensei and Eliana. The two others must have realized the same thing as the trio's initial shock quickly gave way to excitement as they realized the significance of what they were seeing. 

They were holding hands. 

Megumi's eyes widened in surprise, while Nobara let out an excited squeal.

- "Sensei... Eliana-san... are you two...?" Nobara trailed off, unable to finish her sentence as she looked between the two of them with wide-eyed wonder.

Gojo grinned, his usual cocky demeanor replaced by a softness that was rare to see, while Eliana simply stared at the ground, her cheeks bright red. As the room filled with anticipation, Gojo's grin widened, a playful glint in his eyes. 

- "Well... looks like the cat's out of the bag," he said, his voice filled with amusement as he squeezed Eliana's hand affectionately.

And the dorm room erupted into cheers and applause, the students unable to contain their excitement at the news. Yuji's grin stretched from ear to ear, while Megumi offered a small but genuine smile.

- "About time!" Nobara exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. "We've been waiting for this moment forever!"

- "See, Eli-san, we were totally right the other day at the training fields, we saw it coming from miles away," Yuji affirmed proudly. 

- "I guess you did, Yuji," she smiled warmly at the pink haired boy. 

- "We're so happy for you guys", Nobara said. "The power couple of Jujutsu High... The fanfics are gonna go crazy." 

The pair burst into laughter at that remark, and Gojo squeezed Eliana's hand affectionally. With a smile, he cleared his throat, catching the attention of the group.

- "As much as we're enjoying this, I'm afraid we have to call it a night," he announced, his tone firm but affectionate. "You've all got an early training session tomorrow, and as much as we appreciate you guys waiting for us to come back, it's time to go to bed now."

The students groaned in protest, but Gojo held up a hand to silence them. 

- "I know, I know," he said with a grin. "But trust me, you'll thank me in the morning when you're not struggling to keep up."

With that, the group reluctantly began to disperse, bidding each other goodnight and exchanging one last round of congratulations to Gojo and Eliana. 

With a shared smile, the duo turned and headed towards Eliana's room. Once inside, she flopped down onto her bed with a contented sigh, while Gojo leaned against the doorframe, watching her with a fond expression.

- "Well, that was quite the evening," he remarked, his voice filled with amusement. "I don't think I've ever seen my students so excited."

Eliana chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. 

- "They were practically buzzing with excitement," she said, propping herself up on her elbows to look at Gojo. "But I suppose it's not every day that their sensei starts dating one of their colleagues."

Gojo grinned, crossing the room to sit beside her on the bed. 

- "I suppose not," he agreed. "And especially, it's not any colleague... I've basically secured the prettiest girl here so..." 

She rolled her eyes playfully.

- "So, how about we make this a regular thing? Date nights, I mean. Just you and me."

- "I'd like that", she replied, squeezing his hand gently. "I'd like that a lot." 

Good, because I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my time with. 

Eliana felt her heart swell at his words, her smile widening as she leaned in closer to him. He brushed his fingers against his cheek affectionately, and she felt butterflies in her stomach. 

With a final squeeze of her hand, Gojo reluctantly stood up from the bed. 

- "Well, as much as I'd love to stay, I should probably head back to my own room, I have early practice tomorrow," he said with a playful wink.

Eliana chuckled softly, nodding in understanding. 

- "I suppose you're right", she agreed, standing up to walk him to the door.

As they reached the doorway, Gojo turned to face her once more. 

- "Thank you for tonight," he said sincerely, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "I had a wonderful time."

Eliana smiled up at him. 

- "Me too", she replied, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to his lips.

With a lingering smile, Gojo reluctantly pulled away, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before he left one last kiss on her forehead, and closed the door behind him. 

She stood there for a while, feeling a soft warmth spreading through her chest as she processed the situation. 

She had a boyfriend. And not any boyfriend. 

Satoru Gojo was her boyfriend. 

With a smile on her lips, she turned away from the door and made her way back to her bed, feeling lighter than she had in a long time.

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