Chapter 17

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The students watched in awe as the battle unfolded before them, their cheers and gasps filling the air with excitement. It was a rare opportunity to witness two S-grade sorcerers in action, and they were determined to savor every moment of it.

...Unfortunately the fight came to an end quicker than what they had hoped for, as their headmaster stepped onto the training fields, visibly very furious. The students' excitement quickly turned to apprehension as Yaga's stern voice echoed across the training grounds. 

- "Really? A fight-off between two S-grade sorcerers? And on school ground! Are you trying to get the school destroyed or what?"

Eliana and Gojo stopped right in their track. 

The man then proceeded to point at the two of them. 

- "In my office. Now." 

The pair exchanged a quick glance before silently making their way off the training grounds, their steps heavy with apprehension. They shot one last glance at the students in the bleachers, who just sat there, not daring to say anything, knowing all too well that when headmaster Yaga was furious like that, silence was often the best solution. 

- And you there, on the bleachers, Yaga commanded as he disappeared in the building, the two sorcerers on his heels; back to class. Now! 

The atmosphere was tense as the guilty duo followed Yaga to his office, the weight of his disapproval hanging heavily over their heads.

Once inside his office, the air seemed to thicken with tension. Yaga's expression was grim as he regarded them with a stern gaze, his disappointment evident in his eyes. They sat awkwardly, waiting for whatever was to come. 

- "I expect better from two S-grade sorcerers," Yaga stated, his tone laced with disappointment. "You are not just responsible for your own safety, but for the safety of the students as well. So unleashing your powers like that, with a bunch of teens not even 10 meters away... What were you two thinking?" 

- "Sensei, it wasn't like that. We weren't going to unleash our full strength. At all. It was just some innocent training-"

- "And especially considering what's happening currently in the Sorcerer's world," Yaga continued, completely ignoring Eliana's words. "We cannot afford to be reckless with our powers, and especially not you two. You are our strongest elements at hand, with Okkotsu away in Africa..." 

Eliana and Gojo exchanged glances, the weight of Yaga's words sinking in. They knew that he was right. Although they meant no harm, they knew damn well that in times of crisis, every sorcerer's strength was needed, and that they couldn't afford to squander it on unnecessary battles. 

- "Now," Yaga said, his tone softening slightly. "I understand that you both are eager to test your abilities, but there are appropriate times and places for that. Have I made myself clear?" 

- "Yes sir," Eliana and Gojo nodded in agreement. 

- "Good," the man replied, his gaze softening. "I don't mean to scold you like children, but you need to set the example for the new generation. And right now, the last thing we need is to have you two unable to fight at your best abilities in case of a surprise attack or who knows what, because you've already exhausted yourself with some meaningless face-off." 

Eliana nodded. Yeah he was right. Gojo and her got carried away over there, and they had forgotten what currently was at stake for a minute. 

- "Now, onto more pressing matters," Yaga continued, his expression growing serious once more. "I have received some news that I believe you both would like to hear."

Both sorcerers frowned their eyes, leaning forward, waiting for Yaga's next words. 

- "Following our meeting of last week, I have tasked some of our agents to report suspicious activities, especially around mysteriously disappearing edifices, such as that temple you told us about, Eliana."  

The girl nodded, not quite sure what Yaga was trying to say with that. 

- "For the past few days, nothing really major caught the attention of our agents... Nothing... Until last night." 

Eliana frowned, her heart pounding louder in her chest. 

- "Last night?" She repeated, confused. "What happened?" 

The headmaster turned his computer screen towards the pair, revealing a map of Japan displayed on the monitor. Various markers dotted the map, indicating different locations across the country. Though, one red dot stood out from the others, and Yaga pointed at it, his expression stern. 

- "We received reports of unusual activity at this specific place, "the man explained, pointing to a region in the outskirts of Kyoto. "Something similar to what you've encountered on your mission. A temple literally disappeared out of thin air, with no signs of destruction whatsoever. One day he was there, and then... Nothing."

Eliana's eyes widened as she studied the map, her mind racing with interrogations. If the same mysterious occurrences were happening in multiple locations, it could only mean one thing: their previous encounter was just the beginning of something much larger. 

- "A temple again?" Gojo frowned. "Is it linked to the first one in any way?" 

- "They were both unregistered, but our agents are currently working on finding out what kind of activities they were up to. If we could find a link between the two, that would be a great starting point." 

The man nodded. There had to be some kind of connection between the two incidents. It couldn't be a simple coincidence...

- "Which is why I need the both of you to investigate this matter further," Yaga continued, crossing his arms. "Whatever is causing these disappearances, whether it is that mysterious curse you told us about, or if we indeed are facing some sort of curse alliance, we need to understand how, and why."

- "We'll get to the bottom of this, sensei," Eliana assured, her voice firm with resolve.

Yaga nodded, his expression solemn. 

- "I know I can count on the both of you. I want you to go on the field right now, there's not a minute to lose. Ijichi will be driving you, I already informed him. He's waiting for you at the bottom of the hill."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Eliana and Gojo rose from their seats, and exited the office. 

Yaga had made himself clear: there was no time to lose. 

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