Chapter 6

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***10 years ago, cont'd***

Her flight was scheduled at 6pm that day. She had packed everything the day before, and was now standing in her empty room, keys in hand. A wave of bitterness washed over her as she looked at the now naked walls, where pictures of her friends, drawings and random notes were still hanging the night before. Her room had been completely cleared out, with the exception of a painting she had made back in middle school. 

"Who knows, maybe an art collector while come by this place one day and notice my talent", she chuckled. 

Leaving was her idea. She needed to get out of here, grow and... as hard as it sounded, she needed to move on. So when the opportunity presented itself, she gladly took it. 

It was a two years mission, in Europe. Yaga had appointed her to spy on a specific group of individuals, and report their whereabouts and doings, along with whatever she could find on them. Then, she would have the choice: either stay there, or come back. But that was not for her to decide now. 

Grabbing her purse and gathering her belongings, she sighed. Her taxi would soon be here, to take her to the airport. 

And Satoru was nowhere to be seen. 

She hesitantly knocked on the wall and... nothing. Though she knew that the boy was in his room. She hadn't hear his door opening, so she knew for a fact that he was there. And him not responding to her knock nor giving any signs of life meant only one thing:

He simply did not want to answer. 

The girl sighed as she slowly closed her door, after looking one last time at her empty dorm. She made sure to leave her key on her empty desk, along with a handwritten note. For Satoru. Just in case she wouldn't get a chance to see him before she left. 

She had hoped for a chance to say goodbye to Satoru. But sadly, it seemed like her note would be useful, in the end.  

The boy had not reacted well to the news of her leaving, to say the least. 

At first, he couldn't believe that she would take such a decision. Leave everything behind, especially at that time, when Suguru's betrayal was still fresh in their minds, but as he took the time to reflect on her decision, he found himself grappling with conflicting emotions. 

On one hand, he understood why Eliana wanted to leave, why she couldn't stay in this place, why she would feel the need to escape the harsh truth, and start over somewhere else. He couldn't blame her for that. But on the other hand, he couldn't shake the feeling of hurt and betrayal that gnawed at him from inside. 

He felt like she was abandoning him. She was choosing the easy way out, distancing herself from him, when he needed her the most.

In the days leading up to her departure, Satoru and Eliana slowly started to drift apart, their interactions becoming increasingly strained and distant. They avoided each other, tiptoeing around the elephant in the room, pretending that everything was normal, when it clearly wasn't.

For Satoru, the silence between them was deafening, a constant reminder of the void that her absence would bring. He wanted to reach out to her, desperately. But he was hurt. And as the day of her departure drew nearer, Satoru found himself withdrawing even further into himself, building up walls to protect his wounded heart. 

He couldn't bear to face the pain of saying goodbye to her. Couldn't bear to see her walk away from him, and not being able to hold her back. 

Not being enough of a reason for her to stay. 

And as she stood there, in front of his door, he couldn't bring himself to face her. 

- "I'm leaving Satoru," she said, her luggage next to her. 

She thought she heard some movement behind the door, and for a second, she regained a bit of hope. 

Eliana waited for a response, but it never came. The door never opened, and Satoru's silence only added to the heaviness in her heart. She knew he must have heard her, so he simply chose not to respond. 

With a heavy sigh, Eliana came to terms with the sad reality. 

Satoru wasn't going to answer. 

Feeling a mix of disappointment and sadness wash over her, she stepped out into the hallway, her luggage in tow. She had a flight to catch, and a new chapter of her life waiting to begin.

The taxi was waiting for her outside, its engine idling impatiently. She climbed into the backseat, her mind filled with a mixture of sadness and frustration. 

And as the taxi pulled away from the curb, Eliana gave one last glance at the dorms building, hoping to catch a glimpse of Satoru's familiar figure in one of the windows.

But there was no sign of him. 

And as the taxi slowly drove away, tears welled up in her eyes, and she simply sat there, her heart heavy with unspoken words. 

But what she didn't know, was that back in the dorms, a similar tear was rolling down the white haired boy's cheek. 

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