Chapter 13

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From across the training field, the blue eyed sorcerer watched as Eliana conversed with his students. He had just come out of a one-to-one meeting with Yaga about Itadori, and was now standing next to the gymnasium, his gaze locked onto the brown haired girl. 

It had been a few days since Eliana had returned to Jujutsu High, and the dynamic between them was definitely... odd. Of course, they would talk to each other. They had been on a mission together, but the bond they once shared seemed to have never existed. It was as if an invisible barrier had sprung up between them, one that Gojo couldn't quite breach. 

Their once close relationship now felt strained and unfamiliar, as if they were... strangers. Their interactions were polite, but strictly professional. They moved around each other like cautious strangers, each tiptoeing around the unspoken tension that hung between them. The days when they would spend hours laughing together and telling each other everything were far behind. They were colleagues now, nothing more. And as much as he tried to hide it, the situation seriously troubled the sorcerer.

With a heavy sigh, Gojo tore his gaze away from the other side of training field. He knew that healing their shattered relationship would take time. And efforts. But deep down, he couldn't help but hold onto a glimmer of hope that things could, somehow, go back to the way they were. But at the same time, he knew that is was impossible. Things would never be the same as they once were.

And for one very specific reason.

Because their friendship had slowly started to die out the day the last member of their inseparable trio had left. And as much as they had tried to preserve their bond as a duo, something had been broken that day, that could never be fixed. Suguru's betrayal had left a void, and opened a wound that could simply never heal.

And if back then, considering how close the two were, they hadn't managed to save their friendship, which ultimately led to Eliana's departure, he doubted how the young adults they were now, who barely communicated with one another, could possibly fix things. 

Especially, the fact that their reunion had happened in the circumstances they did certainly did not arrange things. Gojo didn't even want to go out that day, but that girl he had been seeing a few times before had pleaded him to meet her at that diner. The fact that she had requested this diner, out of all places, for their date especially made the man even less eager to go. That was his place with Eliana and Suguru. And it would always be. He certainly did not want to go have a meaningless drink with someone he couldn't care less about, in the place where he once would spend hours, with the two persons he cared about the most. 

But the absence of classes that afternoon, and pure boredom to be honest, finally got him to get up and go meet that girl. 

Gojo Satoru was a player. That was a secret for no one. 

Over the past few years, he certainly had accumulated the conquests, flirting around and always coming home with a different girl. And by home, he really meant the hotel, as bringing someone back to Jujutsu High was simply inconceivable. 

However, he wasn't always like this. Back in high school, the boy certainly knew he got the ladies' attention, but he wouldn't really care more than that. His flirtatious attitude was really just a way to make his friends laugh. His friends... At the time, his entire life revolved around his two best friends. Along with making sure that he remained the best in whatever he was doing, of course. He was the strongest, after all. 

Though after Suguru's betrayal and Eliana's departure... that is when things started to change. 

They had left a void in Satoru's life. A void he didn't know how to fill.

At first, he tried to bury his feelings beneath his eternal facade of nonchalance, throwing himself into his studies and his training with a renewed determination. He'd spend nights in the library, and hours in the gym. But no matter how hard he tried to distract himself, the emptiness remained, a constant reminder of what he had lost. 

And so, slowly but surely, Gojo began to change. The once carefree boy who would always be laughing and joking around, playing pranks on his teachers and finding a way to somehow be the center of attention, was replaced by a confident young man, adept at charming his way into the hearts of anyone he desired. 

But that was just a mask. A knew identity he had entirely fabricated to hide the painful reality. During all those years, he had attempted to gaslight himself into thinking everything was alright, and that he was truly satisfied with the person he had become. But the truth was far from it. Deep down, he was hurting. And he had never managed to move on from what had happened. 

While he had never forgiven Suguru for betraying them, he knew that the man had been suffering for a while before that, and that the decision he took was what he had sincerely believed to be the best for him at the time. It hurt. A lot. But Gojo knew in his heart that even if he had tried, he wouldn't have been able to stop him. Suguru had made up his mind, and no one, even Satoru or Eliana, his closest friends, could have prevented him from making that choice. 

For Eliana... That was a different story. He never forgave her for leaving. Even though he knew she had her reasons, he never managed to forget how she took the easy way out, instead of staying and facing the situation with him. She ran away from it, because she could not handle it.  

And she had left him alone, when he needed her the most. 

Satoru Gojo became a player not because he particularly enjoyed it, but because it was easier than confronting the pain of his loneliness. The attention of others became a substitute for the connection he had lost, a bandage for his aching heart, but one that he knew would always be temporary. 

Because deep down, Gojo knew that no amount of meaningless flirts and hook-ups could ever fill the void left by her departure. 

And as he stood there, watching her from across the training field, he couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same emptiness he did.

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