Chapter 31

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- "And so thats's how Megumi passed out and I had to save him from this grade-3 curse... Uh, Eli-san?? Are you even listening to me?"

- "Oh, sorry Yuji, what were you saying...?"

They were sat on the grass next to the training fields. Gojo was out on some mission with Nanami, and Eliana was hanging out with Yuji, Megumi and Nobara. When their teacher wasn't here, she would often keep an eye on the trio. 

It had been a few days since this... exchange incident, and attack on the school. Gojo had been busy with missions and duties, and she... well. She would spend most of her time trying to help wherever she could. They were waiting for any news for Yaga, but ever since Sukuna's fingers and the Death Painting Wombs had been stolen... there had been no signs of their ennemies. 

When he wasn't busy, Gojo would spend his entire time with her. She didn't know what they were, but they were definitely... something. They were taking things slow for sure, and she cherished every moment they spent together. His presence brought her comfort in such uncertain times, and she found herself drawn to him more than ever.

When on her own, she would often find herself replaying memories of Suguru in her mind. She wondered if there was something they could have done differently, some way to have prevented his downfall, which ultimately led to his death. The questions and regrets haunted her, making it difficult to find closure, and... move on. 

Despite the pain, she had become an expert at putting on a happy face around others. When she was with the students, or her colleagues, she would mask her grief with smiles and laughter. It was easier to focus on the students training, the missions and to keep moving forward. It was only when she was alone, at night, that the weight of her own emotions would truly hit her. But thankfully, Gojo would often come into her room and stay with her until she would fall asleep. 

After all, he knew better than anyone else how the loss of their friend could affect her. 

Yuji coughed slightly, bringing her back to reality. 

- "I was just telling you about how I had to save Megumi from a curse on our last mission..."

Megumi, who was lying on the grass with his arms crossed behind his head, gave a nonchalant shrug. 

- "It wasn't that big of a deal. Yuji's just making it sound dramatic." 

Nobara rolled her eyes. 

- "Actually, you're both wrong, I'm the one who saved the day. If it weren't for me, you would have both been screwed." 

Eliana laughed. 

- "Sounds like you all had quite an adventure. You guys really remind me of how I was back then... and your sensei too, actually." 

Yuji sat up on the grass. 

- "Eli-san, can you tell us about Gojo-sensei when he was a student? He never talks about his past with us..."

"I wonder why"... the girl thought. 

-" Well, your sensei and I met during our first year at Jujutsu High. We were both pretty competitive, always trying to outdo each other," she smiled, recalling the memory. 

Nobara's eyes lit up with interest. 

- "Really? So, you were like rivals?"

Eliana nodded. 

- "Yeah, in a way. But over time, we became good friends. We had to learn to work together on missions, and that built a strong bond between us."

Megumi sat up slightly, looking intrigued. 

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