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*3 weeks later*

It had been a couple of weeks since the incident. Everyone at the school had been shocked to learn about the events that had unfolded without them being aware. The threat that represented Kenjaku, Suguru Geto's impostor, had been annihilated in Satoru Gojo's Hollow Purple Explosion. And his curses acolytes? Well, they had vanished out of thin air, and there had been no signs of them since that dreadful day. 

Yuta Okkotsu had made the decision to stay in Japan after the incident. His presence was way more useful here than at the other side of the world, and he had spent the past few days reconnecting and hanging out with his old friends, and particularly Maki Zenin. 

And Satoru and Eliana... Well. 

After everything that had happened, the two tried to move forward. 

Most nights, Eliana would wake up drenched in sweat and terror, but Satoru would always be there for her, whispering reassuring words, and promising her that she was safe, and that he would protect her, no matter what. After the incident, he had swore to himself that he would never let anything happen to her ever again, and the past few weeks had only strengthened his resolve.

During the day, they tried to return to a normal life. Satoru went back to his duties as teacher at Jujutsu High, albeit with a more protective eye on his students, while Eliana was offered a permanent position at the school by Yaga himself, who pretexted that the most S-grade sorcerers the school had on campus, the better. 

Life was slowly starting to look normal again.

And one afternoon, the two found themselves back at their bench, the place that had become a symbol of their bond over the years. The same place, since high school.

Although it used to be three of them. And now they were two. 

- "Satoru," Eliana began, as she reached for something in her pocket. "I... need to show you something."

She pulled out a small, purple piece of fabric, and Satoru's eyes widened. He knew exactly what it was. 

It was worn and tattered, but unmistakably part of Suguru Geto's clothing,

- "How did you..."

- "It was on the ground, after the... battle," she explained quietly. "Visibly, it was the only thing that managed to escape your Hollow Purple. I couldn't just... leave it there." 

The man nodded understandingly, and took the piece of cloth from her, his fingers trembling slightly. His heart ached as he held the fabric close to this chest, memories flooding back, and he closed his eyes, a sad smile on his lips. 

Next to him, Eliana uncomfortably shifted in her seat. He could tell that something was bothering her. 

- "Sato, I've been meaning to ask you this, but never found the right moment. What were the... circumstances? You said that you had to..." 

Her voice broke before she could finish her sentence, and she took a long breath before pursuing. 

- "You had to put him out of his misery." 

Gojo's heart sank as she spoke those words. For the past year, he had tried to... put the past behind him, and to never, ever, have to recall this moment. 

The moment he took his best friend's life.  

- "It... was the hardest thing I ever had to do", he said, his voice barely above a whisper as he stared at the grass in front of him. "Suguru had... he had become a threat to everything we ever stood for, to the people we swore to protect."

Eliana's eyes filled with tears as she listened. She reached out, placing a comforting hand on his, encouraging him to continue. 

- "He declared war upon all of us. He had become... so obsessed by his objectives that he had completely lost his humanity. In the end, he asked me to end it. And I... I did."

Eliana's heart ached. For her friend, who had lost himself and hadn't been able to find his way back to the right path... But also for Satoru, for the pain and guilt he had to carry, everyday. She squeezed his hand, offering silent support.

- "But I can tell you one thing, Eli", the man said as his gaze met her piercing green eyes. "In his last moments, he was... He was our Suguru. It was him."

She stared in front of her absently, the weight of his words settling heavily in her chest. 

- "He made me promise to watch over you," Gojo continued. "His last words were for me to keep you safe."

A lonely tear rolled down her cheek. In his last breath, Suguru's thought had been for her. It was a bittersweet realization, knowing that despite the darkness that had consumed him, a flicker of his true self had remained. Until the very end. 

- "He's finally at peace, now," she smiled sadly. "Free from this... sick bastard who took over his body. And... free from this world he despised so much..." 

Gojo's eyes softened, and he pulled her into a tender embrace. They stayed like that for a while, finding comfort in each other's presence. The pain of their loss was still huge... but somehow, they also felt a sense of closure, now that Suguru was free from this twisted curse user's grip. 

He was finally at peace. 

- "We should give him a proper memorial," Eliana said after a while, pulling back to look at Gojo. "He deserves it... even if it's just this small piece of him."

Gojo nodded, a small smile forming on his lips.

- "I think I know just the place."

In silence the two stood up, and silently walked to the forest near the training fields. 

A place that held so many memories, of the three of them. 

Of their happy days. 

They found a large tree, its branches creating a serene canopy, and decided it was the perfect resting place for Suguru's memory.

Gojo knelt down, digging a small hole with his hands. Eliana handed him the piece of clothing, and together, they placed it gently into the ground, before covering it. 

Gojo took a deep breath and stood up, his voice shaky, although he tried his best to keep his composure. 

- "Rest in peace, Suguru... My brother. I hope you find the peace this life wasn't able to offer you." 

Eliana placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, smiling down at their self-made memorial. 

- "Farewell, Suguru," she said softly, kneeling down to place a single flower on the grave. Its delicate petals seemed to carry the essence of their friendship, and the bittersweet memories they shared. 

And as they stood there, hand in hand, they knew that whatever came next, they would be able to face it. Together. Because their lucky star was watching over them from heaven. 

The story of Gojo Satoru and Eliana May was far from over, but for now... They had found peace in each other, and that was all that truly mattered. 

And from up there, a familiar figure smiled down on them, his soul finally at peace, knowing that the two people he cared most about would be in good hands, from now on. 

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭


𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚜

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