Chapter 38

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Suguru is alive. 

The words kept resonating in her head as she struggled to fall asleep. She tossed and turned, the sheets tangling around her legs as she tried to find a comfortable position. The room was dark, illuminated only by the faint glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains, but her mind was anything but quiet. 

Next to her in the bed, Gojo was fast asleep. After finding her on the side of the streets earlier, completely drunk, he had brought her back to Jujutsu High, and laid her in his bed. He fell asleep quickly after, but Eliana's mind simply refused to let her do the same. 

She had completely sobered up, and now the only thing on her mind was that mysterious note she had found in that dark alley. 

How could Suguru be alive. Gojo had told her about the message they has received from his followers. But if he was alive, why would they lie... Her thoughts spiraled as she tried to piece together the puzzle. 

It didn't make any sense. 

Eliana sat up in bed, careful not to disturb Gojo. She looked at his peaceful face, a stark contrast to the turmoil in her mind. She wanted to wake him up. To tell him about that weird note. To ask him if he knew anything about it. 

Or if there was something more to the story he had told her surrounding Suguru's death. 

But she hesitated. The man already had a lot to worry about right now. And he most likely didn't know much more than her. Sighing softly, she got up from the bed and walked quietly to the window, sitting on a chair. 

Was it some kind of twisted joke? Did some sick bastard pull out a prank on her, because she was so drunk and vulnerable? But who possibly knew about her friendship with Suguru... No one besides the people of Jujutsu High even knew about him, and she couldn't think of anyone one sick enough to pull out a prank like that. 

Then, she remembered the strange curse she had spotted from the other side of the road, before she found the note. Maybe... It was that cursed spirits alliance. Maybe this was their way of unsettling them, of sowing discord and confusion among the jujutsu sorcerers. But why mention Suguru? What could they gain from that?

Or perhaps it was Suguru himself who had left that note. The mere thought sent a chill down her spine. If he was alive, why would he leave such a cryptic note? Why not reveal himself to Gojo and her, his closest friend? Unless... unless he didn't want to be found. But then why leave any message at all?

She ran her fingers through her hair, her mind racing with possibilities. This made no sense at all. The room began to lighten with the first hints of dawn. She sighed again, realizing she had barely slept. She needed to rest if she wanted to get to the bottom of this. 

She glanced back at Gojo, who was still asleep, his breathing steady and peaceful. The sight brought a small, sad smile to her face. He looked so serene, unaware of the storm brewing in her mind. She didn't want to burden him with this until she had more concrete information. No, she wouldn't tell him about any of this until she managed for it to make sense. 

With a sigh, she quietly made her way back to the bed and slipped under the covers. She needed to try and get some rest, even if only for a few hours. 


- "Good morning Eli."

She blinked her eyes open, squinting against the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. Gojo's face came into focus, his usual bright smile greeting her. She yawned, stretching her arms above her head. 

- "Morning, Satoru", she replied, her voice still heavy with sleep. "What time is it?"

- "It's 10. Here", he said as he handed her a cup of tea and a pill. "For your headache." 

Ah, right. She could already feel the dull throb in her temples, a reminder of her drunk escapades from the night before. She downed the pill with a sip of tea, grateful for his thoughtfulness. 

- "Thanks", she murmured, giving him a small smile.

- "Anything for you," he replied, sitting down beside her on the bed. "How are you feeling today?"

Eliana leaned back against the headboard, the warmth of the tea soothing her. 

- "Better, I guess. Just... a lot on my mind."

Gojo studied her face for a moment, his eyes filled with concern. 

- "Anything you want to talk about?"

She had decided not to tell Gojo about the note. The man already had a lot on his plate, so she was going to deal with this alone, for now. 

She shook her head, giving him a reassuring smile. 

- "Nope, just the usual worries. Y'know, the curse alliance and stuff." 

The man nodded understandingly, before standing up. 

- "Anyways, I wanted to tell you that Yaga has appointed you to a mission this afternoon. Nothing big, it's just a grade-2 case in a remote village."

Eliana raised an eyebrow.

- "Sounds good. What will you be up to?" she inquired.

- "I'm taking the kids on a mission." 

- "Well, don't let me keep you from your duties then", she said with a small smile. "I'll make sure to handle the mission efficiently and report back as soon as possible."

Gojo paused for a moment, his gaze lingering on Eliana with a mix of concern and something else she couldn't quite decipher.

- "Eli, promise me you'll be careful out there", he said, his usually playful demeanor replaced by a rare seriousness. "I know it's just a grade-2 case, at most, but you never know what you might encounter."

- "I promise, Satoru", she replied softly. "I'll be extra careful, there's no need to worry about me." 

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if wanting to say something more, but then simply nodded. 

- "Alright then, I'll see you when you get back", he said, as he closed the door behind him. 

Eliana sat up in her bed. The grade-2 curse case seemed straightforward enough, but she intended to use this opportunity to dig deeper into that mysterious note she found. She couldn't shake the feeling that the curse alliance was somehow involved, and this mission might just provide the clues she needed.

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