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"Boss! I think we found her!" My head perked up at what I heard

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"Boss! I think we found her!" My head perked up at what I heard.

Quickly walking to them I looked at the screen seeing Alaina with a younger boy and 4 men on a gas station camera.

"They have to be close by the boy is limping and she has a gun in her hand. I think they may be at one of the motels close by. That was the closest camera I could find sir."

"Fuck" I rubbed my hand down my face.

"Let's start there and spread out. I don't wanna waist anymore time." I said grabbing all my things.

"I'll call Aiden and Arman!"

"No! I'll go by myself. They haven't slept in a week just let them sleep. When they wake up she'll back."

"You sure sir-"

"I said it didn't I?" I asked standing up straight after tying my Tim's.

I grabbed my things before yelling for everyone to roll out.

As we drove off it was about a 30 minute drive. I thought about what she could have endured. Where they could have been? How far was she? How long did she walk? Was she hurt? Mentally and physically?

I must've been in my head worrying too
long because when I looked up we were five minutes out.

I spent that next five minutes preparing my weapons for what could happen while we were looking for her....

"We're here boss"


We searched 4 fucking close by motels and bussed in every door. No sign of her anywhere. Only nasty ass antics I can only hope to forget about.

"Boss this is the last motel. She has to be here" My tech said trembling as he pushed his glasses up while pointing to the map on the screen.

It wasn't my intention to scare him but I was getting agitated and anxious. We would be at another dead end if they weren't here.

Where else could they go?

"Eagles spread out check the perimeter and stay quiet. Spiders y'all are with me. If you make it to any room she's in remember she may be on edge so no sudden movement. Check to make sure she's ok and no threat is present and call me. If there isn't a threat don't proceed to her extract her. Wait till I get her." I spoke sternly staring at each group before giving them the go-ahead.

I started downstairs with half of the spiders while the other half made their way upstairs. I couldn't care less if I was scaring anyone as I bursted into each room I was looking for one person and one person only.

I questioned many people who were up we had already passed by the dumbass receptionist and of course the cameras were out and she acted as if she knew nothing. Just tried to flirt with me. 

My Angel: Alaina and Santiago Where stories live. Discover now