MVH Goss (Chapter 12)

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I walked out of History class and left for the cafeteria to have lunch.

If horrible was a full-time scenario of a reality, last two periods were a living nightmare.

I had to deal with West annoying the fuck out of me. He wouldn't even shut his mouth after Mr Winters called detention for the both of us.

He stole two of my pens, my textbook and my sanity.

May I also add, he was picking at my hair the whole of the session, he kept twirling my hair in his fingers.

He kept calling my name when I ask him to shut up. Snatch my book from where I was taking notes.

I had to kick his shin a few times, punch his shoulder and smack his perfectly sculpted face.

But every time he wouldn't even bulge. If anything, he would push me back harder.

And whatever in hell possessed Jake to laugh every time is beyond me.

In fact, the consist threats of one of us dying every twenty seconds, triggered something in all of our friends.

And I don't know how it happened, but at one point Cole was rolling down the stairs.

All I remember seeing is Lia laughing her ass off, even Em gave in this time.

No need to ask if Jake was laughing or not, we all know he was.

No one got up to help him, they all just sat there and laughed at him. So hard to the point where there we no laughing noises just silent wheezing and they were hitting the table.

Luckily when this happened Mr Winters was not in the classroom. If he saw what was happening, no doubt he would have lost it.

After a good minute of laughing at him on the floor. West finally got up to help him to his feet, but not without doing something stupid. He handed his hand out to Cole and the second he grabbed it, West let go.

Which resulted in a loud thunk of Cole landing back on the floor, we all started laughing again.

I don't know how we survived that session, without getting into detention for the second time.

After that period we all spilt our separate ways.

I was already so tired of the day.

We had second break next, and then I could finally be home after last period.

I made my way into the study centre and
I sat down at the table, between Em and Lia.

My stomach my going to explode from the ache of hunger. I was seriously so hungry.

"So, how was it?" Em says.

"How was what?" I question back.

She slaps her hand across her forehead, "I mean like what was all that chemistry between you and Kaleb?" Em whispers, so no one else would hear.

"Chemistry my ass," I roll my eye's. "That bitch has ruined my morning, on a Monday, if things couldn't get worse."

"Come on I saw something." Lia added.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, I'll have to see him again tonight anyway, so you guys will get more of that something that's non existent."

The girl's started laughing, I bite the inside of my cheek and shuffled in my chair.

"Where's Kaleb?" Jake suddenly looked up,

I shrugged and looked at Cole, who was basically inhaling his pizza.

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