Chapter 1

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Why do I have to be so poor? Was a thought that constantly traversed my mind, leaving me to fiddle with the couple of coins I held in my hand. They were all I had, a stark reminder there was no chance I would go to sleep with a full stomach tonight. Though that was no longer unusual.

I'd come to Luris in hopes I'd find a job and hopefully make living a bit easier. I'd already tried my luck in Kuya and Masrira with no success. In desperation, I'd survived off stealing food scraps and the occasional coin the higher-ups dropped in pity. It was humiliating. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd had a shower or eaten something besides mouldy bread and the occasional foraged fruit.

I pressed my calloused hands against my ribcage, feeling how my bones jutted out. I was nothing but skin and bone, my muscles deteriorated from the lack of proper nutrition. My ragged clothes were all but useless in protecting me from the cold, but I had no others. Despite being native to the tundra of Vraekya, I felt the cold through the thin cotton of my shirt that seeped from the concrete I slept on each night. It was no longer a choice, for I had nowhere else to stay.

It certainly doesn't help that I am a hybrid, who in many kingdoms are persecuted without mercy. My white wolf-like ears and tail are a constant reminder of my disgrace, and the hate others feel for me. Blatant discrimination in the form of physical assault, vicious words and disgusted glares.

I have no one I can call family, no friends, and no way of making any. I am too scared to trust people after what happened last time. My body shuddered violently as I thought about him. His hands on my body... his friends... My breath quickened and became raspy as I thought about it. I shook my head, trying to shake the memories away. I didn't want to send myself into a full-blown panic attack. Those seem to happen all too often nowadays.

I flinched forcefully as I heard some voices. I peered out of the alleyway I'd been hiding- no, living in. It was a simple gap between some cobblestone walls that belonged to a housing complex. No one ever came behind here, the only thing that lived here was the rats and the occasional stray dog that passed by. I didn't bother them, and they didn't bother me. At the end of the day, we both had the same goal of survival.

I spotted two people in steel-plated armour, who seemed to be discussing something fervently in a hushed tone. One was a tall curly-haired ginger woman, and the other was a shorter man who flinched nervously every time she spoke.

My face hardened, my hackles rising as I saw them. I had a burning, seething hatred for anyone that worked for royalty. They were never any good. People like them were the reason I was in this situation in the first place.

"- keep an eye out, we've gotten word of some scoundrel stealing food" I heard her say, "It's probably just another desperate peasant that came from another kingdom."

Got that right, I thought dryly, I should probably be more careful if the guards are now looking for me.

I hadn't expected to get into any trouble with the guards. I'd thought I was too far away from the castle to see anyone other than citizens, especially with the size of this kingdom. Luris was among the largest, threatened only by Aivoca and Xuidel in size.

"Yes, Commander Bellatrix" the young man nodded his head, "I'll tell everyone to keep an eye out. I'll let you know if we find him."

Commander? I blinked in surprise, what's the commander doing out this far? Although it should've been obvious, she was powerful with the way she held herself. She radiated strength and respect in a way I found unnerving. A collection of scars ran from the corner of her mouth and along the bridge of her nose, ending just above her left eyebrow. Likely tokens from the many battles she would have fought in.

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