Chapter 8

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King Aspen

"This is getting rather dull" I groaned, resting my forehead against Kijani's shoulder, "I'd forgotten how much parties bore me." I knew I shouldn't complain, but they got extremely boring after a while. They were always the same, nothing new or exciting ever happened.

"Well get used to it because there's another two days of it" Kijani muttered, "It was fun for a bit."

"My feet hurt" I whined, "Sometimes I wish I wasn't king so I could just go to bed."

"I'd go to bed, but I'd rather not leave you here to face everyone alone" Kijani chuckled, "Maybe we can just leave for a bit and come back later?"

"Please" I nodded furiously, "But how will we get out without anyone noticing?"

"Just tell anyone who asks that you need to go to the bathroom, and I am accompanying you" Kijani pointed out, "You're the king, they won't question you."

I nodded, rising up from where I'd been sitting at the table. I glanced around carefully before striding off towards the door, Kijani hot on my heels. When I opened the door, Hadiya was still standing there. However, she just merely nodded as they went past. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"We're free!" I cried, sprinting down the hall.

"Where shall we go?" Kijani replied in an amused voice, following closely. I slowed to walk, breathing heavily.

"Let's go to the gardens" I smiled, "They look beautiful at night."

Okay" Kijani nodded, and I was sure behind his mask was a gentle smile.

I reached out my hand, which Kijani took gently. Intertwining our fingers, we slowly began to make our way towards the garden. As we walked, I gazed up at Kijani with a lovesick expression, an expression I hoped he wouldn't notice. Somehow, somewhere, at some point along the way, I'd fallen for him. I had fallen for a man, an outsider, and a hybrid, no less.

Oh, what would the kingdom think if they knew, I sighed internally, it would be the biggest scandal we've had in centuries. Somehow, I know this will not end well. This is our end.

Earlier I had been caught off guard, and rather surprised. I think if I could go back in time I wouldn't have fled. If he'd truly been about to put his lips on me, there's nothing I wouldn't do to let him.

"Are you alright?" I flinched at the sound of Kijani's voice, "You went oddly silent."

"I'm fine, great actually" I smiled, "Just thinking about something."

Thinking about him. Thinking about the warmth and the butterflies he makes me feel. The effect he had on me was terrifying, but I'd begun to lean into it. I just wanted to give in to him. The things I'd give to taste his lips just once... But I knew once would not be enough once I tasted them. I would want them forever, for them to belong to me for the rest of time. I'd need him forever.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kijani laughed, heavenly notes singing to my ears.

"It's nothing important, don't worry" I shook my head, "Let's just have fun." I couldn't tell Kijani the truth because there was no way he'd love me back. He shouldn't. Yet again earlier played in my mind. Had he been messing with me? Or was he actually about to kiss me?

Hate it as much as I want, I can't disappoint my mother, I mentally cry, I have no choice but to marry Princess Hali. Unless I keep it a secret...

I shook my head. No, don't worry about that yet. The entrance to the gardens came into view. Pale moonlight shone from the outside, casting a silvery light onto the floor. It was beautiful, mystical in a way that was hard to explain. We emerged to the outside. I saw that the moon was full, giving much more light than there usually was. Kijani's porcelain skin shimmered in the faded light, strangely mortal.

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