Chapter 13

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King Aspen

"Kijani, calm down" I muttered, "It's not the end of the world." Kijani briefly paused as he was about to throw an antique-looking chair to fix me with a harsh glare. The chair flew across the room and smashed against the wall with a loud crack. I stared at it in wry amusement.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or are you just going to throw things and just generally be a nuisance?" I raised an eyebrow coldly, "You aren't going to fix anything by doing that."

"Unless you want that chair to be you, I suggest you shut the fuck up" Kijani hissed, his ears flat to his head.

"Careful, I might be into that" I replied bluntly, just barely sarcastic.

"I can't tell if you're flirting or starting a fight" Kijani laughed hoarsely, squinting at me, "Either way, stop staring like you care what I'm doing."

"I beg your pardon?" I said incredulously.

"Then beg," Kijani replied icily, voice dripping with contempt, "Get on your knees."

"Make me" I snorted, rather indignant, "I have no reason to ever listen to the likes of you, much less when you can barely control your own anger."

I barely had time to react before Kijani strode over to me and kicked my legs out from beneath me. Before I could stop myself, I was tumbling over, rushing towards the floor. At the last second, a firm hand grabbed my arm with no particular gentleness. Kijani held me to the floor, forcing me to my knees. I glared up at him, seething at being pushed down so easily.

Little does he know that he only managed to because I let him.

"Are you going to be quiet?" Kijani demanded, his lip curling into a frown.

"Fine" I spat, "Sorry."

"You will be."

"You can drop the act of trying to be scary" I giggled slightly, "You know those cold eyes don't work as a deterrent against me, I'm afraid I love them too much." I felt a warm hand slip under my jaw, lifting it up. My face flushed as I realised how close we were, closer than I thought we should be. Kijani's expression was sardonic, but I knew that was just another mask he wore to hide his anguish.

"Why aren't you scared of me?" He frowned, strangely despairing, "It doesn't make sense."

"Because I see right through your terrified lies, intentional or not" I rolled my eyes, "Are you going to kiss me yet or do I need to plead some more?"

"So needy," he scoffed, "Why should I?"

I reached up, gripping his scarred wrist tightly. I tightened my grip even further, watching as Kijani winced. I slipped my other hand up under his shirt, my fingers tracing delicately along his skin. Slowly he lowered himself to his knees, seeming bitter as he did so.

"Speak to me when we're on the same level" I glared at him, my skin tingling a little, "You're not superior."

"Oh, you know I'm not. Not with the scars I wear and the lives I've extinguished" he almost sneered, but his face lamented, "We'll never be on the same level. You're a king and I'm a peasant, I'm a scourge on your name and you know it."

"You should know by now none of that ever mattered to me" I smiled a little, my voice barely a whisper, "It still doesn't, and I don't believe it ever will."

My words ended there, for it was only a moment later he pulled me close and kissed me. My throat made a strange whining noise as I kissed back, my legs suddenly turned to jelly. Waves of desire washed over me, making my muscles feel molten. Dear lord, this man was going to be the death of me.

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