Chapter 2

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"This is where you'll be staying" a young woman with cat-like features gestured towards a door inlaid with gold. I had been thoroughly amazed to see a fellow hybrid working in the castle. I'd thought Luris had similar laws to Aivoca, hence why I'd tried to stay out of sight. Killing hybrids on sight or bringing them to the king alive for interrogation were the laws in most of the kingdoms.

"The king is just across the hall" she inclined her pretty head to another door on the other side, "There are guards stationed outside his door whenever he's in there, so don't bother trying anything." She was right, for two burly-looking guards in iron plated armour stood outside with weapons. I had no wish to fight them, not yet at least.

"I have no plans for such a thing," I replied calmly. The woman nodded in grudging satisfaction at my statement.

"Good, now my name is Hadiya. I'm the King's advisor" Hadiya continued, "So let me know if you need anything. His majesty will be here soon but, in the meantime, make yourself at home." Her tone however was insincere and lacking care. She didn't trust me one bit, and I couldn't blame her.

"Thank you," I said awkwardly. I wasn't certain how to feel about all of this. I completely and utterly despised royalty and now one of them had hired me. Well, hired wasn't quite the word. Forced? Asked? Given no other viable choice? All worked.

I turned and pushed open the door into my new room. My jaw very nearly hit the floor the moment my eyes processed what I was seeing. It was easily the fanciest room I'd ever stepped foot in, marble pillars stood in each corner, holding up the abysmally tall roof. An enormous king-sized bed sat in the middle against the wall, covered by expensive-looking pillows and blankets. Examining the room even more, a large vanity sat against the left wall. Vibrant moss, vines, and delicate blue flowers clung to the walls and roof, making it almost seem like I was outside. Natural light filtered in through a stained-glass window.

I knew the Taher royal family were rich, but I didn't quite realise how rich.

"I'm guessing you've never seen anything like this before?" the sound of King Aspen's voice jolted me out of my thoughts.

"It is beautiful" I agreed, in too much awe to care about the obvious jibe, "I still don't understand, why me?"

"Well, I don't enjoy keeping people locked up and you just kind of... stuck out to me" Aspen shrugged, "Besides, I was planning to hire a bodyguard soon anyway."

"Have you got people after you?" I raised my eyebrow behind my mask.

"No, but it's just an extra precaution" Aspen smiled softly, barely concealing the obvious lie, "You can never be too careful."

"Fair enough, you never know who might stab you in the back" I fastened my gaze on Aspen, "You trust far too easily. You don't know me at all."

"I'm willing to take the leap of faith and trust you" Aspen sighed, "But I'm not as incompetent as I look, I will be keeping an eye on you."

Why do you insist on pretending you're pathetic and feeble? My eyes narrowed suspiciously. Something was off about him; it was as though a veil of shadow shielded him. He wasn't himself, instead he was wearing a mask of vulnerability. He is a man of excellent acting and an expert at pleasing people, he knew exactly what he was doing. He thought his display of weakness would get me to lower my own guard, unfortunately for him, that wasn't about to happen.

"And so will your guards I'm sure" My attention meandered over Aspen's shoulder at the two guards who stood waiting at the door, ready to fight in case I tried anything. I knew they were watching me intently through their steel-laden helmets, watching for any sign of violence.

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