Chapter 15

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King Aspen

I let out a groan, groggily forcing my eyes open. As my vision slowly cleared, I could see a shape moving around the room. The shape seemed to pause and turn towards me.

"Finally awake, are we?" Kijani laughed, "You're such a heavy sleeper. Someone could do whatever they wanted to you, and I doubt you'd notice." His words made cold sweat trickle down my spine.

"Well, that's comforting" I eyed him uneasily, "What the fuck happened last night?" The more I woke up, the more I felt the splitting headache on the corners of my mind. Rolling over onto my stomach, I clutched my head with a grunt.

"You had three drinks of nearly straight vodka before I dragged you home because you were being an absolute menace" Kijani said flatly, "Then we got attacked by a giant bear." The flashbacks were coming in now. My memory slowly returned.

"We were attacked by a what?" I stared up at him with shock, "What are you talking about?"

"A dire bear" Kijani repeated, "It chased up through the forest and cornered us. We only survived because a stranger showed up and speared it through the neck."

"It's too early in the morning for this" I sighed, rubbing my eyes, "Where is a hot pot of coffee when you need it?"

"You're not the one who had to try fighting it" he commented, raising a brow, "It clawed my back and slammed me against a tree. We were both were nearly eaten."

"Better you than me" I laughed sarcastically, "I would have been bear food."

I stared him in the eye, noting how exhausted he looked. I drew him close into a hug, pressing my lips against his chin, just grateful we were alive.


Commander Bellatrix

I gazed around the forest, a frown on my face. Not a single leaf or animal stirred in the stillness. The forest was strangely silent, unsettling me as we rode through the trees. It was quiet, too quiet.

"Don't you think it's strange how quiet it is?" I called over my shoulder to Aaron, "Somethings up..."

"Seems normal to me" Aaron shrugged, "I think you're being paranoid. Nothing is wr- "

Suddenly Aaron went limp, falling off his horse with a heavy thud. My eyes widened in shock, spotting a long, feathered arrow protruding from the side of his head. It killed him almost instantly. I heard the sound of a twig crack somewhere to my left. I raised my wrist, letting the arrow bounce off my armour plate. I reached to retrieve my shield from where it was strapped to the saddle and held it up.

"Who's there?" I shouted, "Show yourself!"

I glared around furiously, trying my best to shield myself from the direction the arrow had come from. Whoever it was had the intent of killing, meaning my life was in danger. Another arrow whizzed past my ear, hitting a tree behind me. I narrowed my eyes, glaring into the tree line. I saw a shape flicker through the trees, appearing before rapidly disappearing.

"I can see you," I said flatly, "It's a bit rude to try and kill me while you're hiding like a coward. Have some honour." Leaves crackled loudly behind me. The next moment I heard the tink of an arrow on my chest plate. Raising an eyebrow, I glanced behind me.

"You missed," I laughed, "Your aim is rather terrible."

I'd figured out at least two people were shooting at me. Whoever they were, they didn't want to get any closer. I rolled my eyes, reaching for my bow. Placing an arrow on it, I aimed it towards where the original shot had come from. I squinted, searching for any sign of movement. I heard footsteps running to my right. Taking a deep breath, I quickly aimed and fired.

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