Chapter 28

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I gripped Aspen's hand tightly, dragging him through the crowd. He didn't protest, following me to the drinks table. I grabbed two glasses, each made of ice, passing one to Aspen and keeping one for myself. Without a word, I took a bottle of wine the colour of blood, pouring it into our glasses. I raised it to my lips, taking a small sip. I revelled in the taste. I'd forgotten how good the burn of alcohol was, forgotten why it was so addicting.

We had left Lilliana with the queen's daughter, who'd been more than happy to babysit. Getting that child out of my sight was a relief, I couldn't stand being around kids. Especially ones that were the progeny of those that I hate.

"Wine? Is this party just to get a shit tonne of people drunk?" Aspen raised the glass, looking at it sceptically, "Isn't this supposed to be for song and dance?"

"Yes, but most use it as an excuse to get absolutely pissed" I shrugged, pointing to a man who stumbled through the crowd, clearly heavily drunk, "See? The queen doesn't really pay them much mind. It's just how things go here, alcohol is a big part of our kingdom, especially vodka."

"You lot are weird" Aspen shook his head with an amused smile, "Midnight festivals, eating raw meat, extreme alcoholism... You're the complete opposite of my kingdom."

"That's what you think" I snorted, "Tell me, have you ever stepped five feet outside of your castle and into the slums? Didn't think so. Your kingdom is riddled with disgusting people. People like me."

"The only thing disgusting about you is your cannibalistic tendencies and the way you look at me" Aspen waved his hand with a scoff, "No matter what people say, there's beauty in the gore. There's beauty in the evil and the ugly, people just don't bother to look."

"I'll show you something even more disgusting when I rip your heart out of your chest" I promised, "Wouldn't that be beautiful? Death itself is beautiful in so many ways, don't you think?"

"I don't think beautiful is quite the word, but death is certainly something" Aspen murmured, "Why are we talking about such morbid topics at the party? We're supposed to have fun!"

"Then let's drink" I raised my glass with a smile, "To our love."

"To our love" Aspen raised his glass, clinking it against mine. He raised it to his mouth, taking a sip. I watched his expression closely, amusement sparking in me as I saw the corner of his lip twitch.

"Not a fan of wine?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No, it's good" he grinned, "Just an unusual taste. Father never let me have alcohol, something about not wanting me to go off getting drunk and embarrassing our family."

"Weren't you allowed any fun?" I scoffed, "No sex and no wine, was there anything you could do?"

"I had a roof over my head, clothes on my back and a full stomach" Aspen retorted, "It may have been painfully boring but at least I wasn't a peasant laying in a ditch waiting to die like you." A feeling akin to a knife being thrown hit me in the throat, rage bubbling just beneath the surface of my skin.

"Would you like to take that back?" I growled quietly, narrowing my eyes at him, "Or is that what you're sticking with?" Aspen didn't seem fazed by my harsh tone, raising his chin defiantly.

"I think I described it pretty accurately, no?" Aspen tilted his head with a smirk, "You're so sensitive. Learn to take a joke and shove it up your ass." Around us people glanced over, concern in their eyes. I didn't care that they were there, if Aspen was picking a fight, I was going to give him one.

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