Chapter 9

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Commander Bellatrix

"That was the second most boring thing in history, right after taxes" I grumbled, "I'm so glad it's over."

"Not the biggest fan of parties, I take it?" Kijani laughed. I shook my head furiously.

"Parties are the worst" I rolled my eyes dramatically, "I could be doing something so much more useful instead of standing here in a stupid dress nodding and smiling."

I was watching the room begin to disperse when I noticed someone making their way towards me. For a moment I thought it was Aspen, they were so alike. But then I realised it was King Arden, an unreadable expression on his regal face. I let out a groan, turning my face away.

"Hide me" I pleaded to Kijani, "Or kill me. Either one, just be quick about it."

"What?" Kijani echoed, his voice a little muffled behind his mask, "Why- " Pulling Kijani in front of me, I tried to hide behind him. But it was no use, Arden had already seen me and was heading our way.

"Hello Bellatrix" he smiled, though it was more of a smirk, staring down at me like a cat that had found a nest of baby mice, "Did you enjoy the party?" Letting out a sigh of defeat, I stepped out from behind Kijani. Arden leered down at me curiously with a cruel smirk. There was no doubt he was handsome; it was just a shame his personality was so ugly.

"What do you want?" I said flatly, completely rudely if it had been anyone else, "I was about to leave so make this quick."

"I was just wondering how you were" Arden's eyes flickered, "We are childhood friends, are we not?" My fist clenched, barely succeeding in stopping myself from pulling the knife strapped to my leg and stabbing him.

"Friends?" I replied incredulously, "What part of our history made you think we were friends?"

"Bellatrix?" Kijani spoke, audibly confused, "You've known each other since childhood?"

"After all you and your father and done to me, how dare you try to act like it was a simple misunderstanding" I spat, ignoring Kijani, "We are not friends. After what you and your father did, you're lucky I haven't murdered you."

"I suggest you watch your tone" Arden said darkly, the bemused tone he held previously gone in an instant, "I'm a king, I am above you. I wouldn't try your luck; it won't end well. I could have you arrested and executed."

"No, you can't, not while I'm in my own kingdom" I sneered, "Aspen wouldn't let you."

"I barely know you, but knowing you're a royal is enough" Kijani suddenly interjected, "Get lost. We want to go to bed." Kijani stepped forward, his tail lashing in anger. He was a good couple inches taller than Arden and slightly more muscular. Arden stared up at him, a calculating look in his eye.

"Fine" Arden sniffed, "Very well then." Arden strode off, nudging my shoulder harshly as he did so. A choked sniffle escaped my throat, biting back tears that threatened to fall.

"Bella?" I jumped as Kijani's masked face appeared in front of me, "Are you crying?"

"No, you are" I turned away, trying to hide the tears that were in danger of pouring uncontrollably down my face, "Sorry, he just makes me so... angry."

"Oh" I could tell Kijani felt awkward. I didn't blame him; he didn't know me well enough to see me in this state.

"What... what happened between you two?" Kijani eventually said, "Did he do something to you?" A sudden wave of exhaustion flooded over me. Fighting the darkness encroaching on my mind, I continued.

"You can probably tell from my eyes I'm not from here" I pointed to my green eyes. They had normal white sclera's, whereas Luris born people had dark green, almost black ones. "I was born in Aivoca."

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