Chapter 4

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"What are your thoughts on Kijani?" I glanced at Kiran, "I think he's scary but is nice deep down. He just needs to come out of his shell."

"He's good for Aspen" Kiran said softly, "I think Kijani has seen a lot. It'd be good for Aspen to spend time with someone who isn't blinded by admiration or holds respect for him automatically."

"Agreed" I nodded, "He needs someone around who isn't afraid to talk back, someone other than us because we can't be around him all day."

"What's this?" Bellatrix's voice sounded behind me, "I agree. I think Kijani is rather great."

"Really?" My eyes widened in surprise, "I thought you hated him?"

"Not at all, I'm just tough on him because I have to be" Bellatrix shrugged, "If I'm strict he'll try his best to prove me wrong, which is exactly what I want."

"Slightly mean but smart I suppose" Kiran laughed, "How's his training going?"

"It's alright" she sighed, "He relies too much on his strength and won't use his head. Your physical strength only gets you so far in battle."

"But he is rather talented. I didn't even need to show him many basics" Bellatrix continued, "If he wasn't so stubborn, I'd nearly enjoy teaching him. He just needs to learn to accept help when it is offered."

"There's something about him" I said quietly, "He acts mean but he holds himself in a sad way."

"Maybe it's Kijani who needs Aspen and not the other way round" Kiran added, "I think we need to tread carefully, the last thing we want to do is frighten him."

"Hmm maybe" Bellatrix mused.

"I better go" I told them, "Hadiya said she needs me to take some invites to the other nobles in our kingdom."

"Righto" Bellatrix smiled, "Cya later."

"Bye Ace" Kiran said warmly. I waved them goodbye and turned away. My bird-like feet clicked on the floor as I walked. I let out a sigh, pulling my shoulder length dirty blonde hair into a ponytail. I spotted Hadiya standing at the end of the hall, clearly waiting for me.

"Here, take these" she handed me a pile of letters, "Almost every noble is invited to the ball, so you'll have a long week again I'm afraid."

"It's fine" I reassured her, "I can just rest later."

I bid her goodbye and continued on my way down the hall. I approached a window, leaning out. I stretched my grey feathered wings with a wince. I'd been flying nearly nonstop for the past few days, handing out invitations. At least I'd be able to rest later, as I was fairly sure these were the last invites I had to hand out.

I leapt out the window, flinging myself into the air. I beat my wings and I was propelled upwards. I gave a small smile. No matter how sore I was, I'd fly until I dropped. I am very loyal to Aspen; I'd never dream of disobeying an order.

I considered him my greatest friend. I'd work for Aspen until it killed me.



I'd gone in too deep. I'd let myself become attached to someone; someone I should hate. Now I was worried it was too late to back out. These emotions I was feeling were dangerous, they couldn't possibly lead to anything good. It would just get me hurt and betrayed all over again.

Just kill him, a voice in my head whispered, he's a royal, all of them are bad. The world would be a better place without them. Trust me, he is no good for you.

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