Chapter 3

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"You rely too much on your muscles," Bellatrix sneered coldly, shoving me to the ground, "Brute force will only get you so far if your opponent is smarter than you. I can tell you have a decent brain, so use it."

I glared up at her, breathing heavily. This was my sixth training session with her and so far, I'd been improving rapidly, I hated to admit. I'd been thoroughly surprised by Bellatrix's battle skill; I'd severely underestimated her. Despite my clear physical advantage of my height, she still beat me every time.

It had been a week since I started working for King Aspen. Neither of us had mentioned the moment in the ballroom, nor had our speaking terms evolved to more than the casual small talk. I liked that. I didn't want to get close to Aspen, or anyone in this castle. But it was difficult, for everyone seemed to want to chat. Ace and Felix were especially social, and with them living in the castle it was near impossible to avoid them. Avoiding Aspen wasn't a choice, I was to stay at his side from dawn to dusk. We only separated to sleep, bathe or train.

"Get up" Bellatrix scoffed, "I didn't hit you that hard." She offered her hand out to me. I merely glared at her, hauling myself up without her help. I dusted the sand off myself, irritation pricking at my skin.

"Suit yourself" she shrugged, "There's no shame in accepting help."

"You think I don't know that?" I spat, "I just don't want help from you."

"It's very difficult to give advice and training to someone who seems to enjoy being a stubborn prick," Bellatrix sighed, "I don't like this either, but Aspen is my friend and king, so I have to do what he says. You could at least make this easier for both of us and actually listen for once."

I adjusted my armour, grumbling to myself. Finding a way out was a lot harder than I'd first thought. I was with Aspen all day and then there were guards stationed outside my room all night. Sneaking out was impossible, so perhaps I'd have to go with my other plan. Poison Aspen to create a distraction, run away and kill anyone who tries to stop me. Spilling blood had become a second nature, my conscious was so attuned to it the sickness most would feel from harming another had no effect on me.

"Hello?" Bellatrix snapped her fingers in my face, "Earth to Kijani?"

"Sorry" I muttered, lashing my tail.

"Right, I guess we'll end this here" she shook her head, "Come back tomorrow when you're ready to pay attention."

"Okay" I murmured. Without another word I spun away. I could feel Bellatrix's eyes boring into my back as I left, observing me intently.

To my displeasure, I realised I had little to do than to go find Aspen. I set my course for the throne room, striding out of the doors of the training hall. Before I left, I quickly unclipped my armour, placing it carefully on the armour stand near the entrance. I stalked down the hall, throwing fierce glares to everyone I saw. The huge doors to the throne room quickly came into view. I threw them open to see Aspen, Kiran, Ace, and Felix all gathered in a circle, laughing hysterically. I raised my eyebrow at the sight, wondering what on earth was so funny.

"Oh Kijani, you're back" Aspen spotted me and broke into a broad grin, "Did it go well?"

"It was fine," I replied simply. I watched Aspen's face closely, noticing the slight shift in his smile as I merely brushed him off. My dismissal of his attention hurt him, and I knew it, which is why I shoved him away. If I hurt him enough eventually, he would stop trying, and I would once again be alone.

"I suppose I better get going," Ace sighed, "I need to get those formal invitations delivered."

"Formal invitations?" Felix sounded just as confused as I felt.

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