Chapter 27

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Princess Reagan

They were everywhere. No matter which way I looked, the ghosts were there to watch me. They followed me down the halls, glaring at me as I walked. At this point, I wasn't even sure whether they knew I could see them, for it seemed they followed everyone. Men, women and children inhabited the halls, making it difficult for me to distinguish if they were alive or dead as they mingled amongst the living.

"Who are you all?" I murmured, reaching out a hand to a woman with long brown hair. Her sad green eyes looked strangely familiar; I was almost certain I had seen them before. Strange purple burns covered her body, what they were from, I couldn't tell. A man with dark hair reached out to her, trying to wrap his arm around the woman only for his arm to go straight through her. The sight made me feel a pang of sadness.

"Reagan" I lowered my hand as I heard Alani's voice behind me. I turned around with a forced smile, trying my best to seem happy.

"Reagan, don't bother smiling if it's not real," he said softly, "Your eyes are wrought with anger and sadness."

"Don't try and read me" I said stiffly, narrowing my eyes at him. I didn't like how close he stood to me, staring at me as though there was something worth looking at. I didn't understand it.

"Sorry" he apologised, "I'm just worried about you. It can't be easy leaving your kingdom behind."

"Your brother seemed to find it quite easy" I snorted, immediately feeling guilty, "Sorry." To my surprise Alani burst out into laughter, clutching his stomach as he fell into fits of giggles. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, wondering what was so funny.

"Sorry, it's just ironic" he told me, "And it's fine, I don't feel any responsibility for my brother's actions. I can only hope he'll come to his senses soon." As he spoke a taller, older version of him strode up, stopping behind Alani. I'd immediately figured out this must be his father the moment I first saw him. Alani's father was tall and angular, his weathered features telling a story of difficulties I couldn't imagine. A chunk of one of his horns had broken off, clearly lost in battle. I felt slightly sick as I gazed down, noting the giant hole in his chest, as well as multiple slash wounds across his body. This was a man who'd gone down fighting.

"Anyway, I wanted to show you something" Alani continued, "You like reading, don't you?" Alani spoke with such tender warmth it made my insides flutter with happiness. He was so pure and genuine, so incredibly different to Cyrus. At least the new Cyrus. Old Cyrus strangely reminded me of Alani, for they both held the same careful kindness.

It was then I registered what he had said. "Who told you that?" I demanded.

"Lucky guess, I love it too" he grinned, "I want to show you our royal library. I'm sure there's some stuff in there you might like. Historical novels, fiction, even letters, we've got a bit of everything." I raised my head in interest, feeling a burst of excitement. The library in Xuidel was good, but it lacked many historic novels. I wondered if my luck would be better here.

"Yes, please" I nodded furiously, "I love historic stuff, I've been researching quite a lot lately."

"Follow me" Alani jerked his hand, "What have you been researching?" I turned to follow him, trying to hide the slight skip in my step as I walked.

"Hybrids mostly, and also a man named Kalaraja Runihura. I think I did a bit too much research on him" I winced, "My ability allows me to see the dead, but also look into the past through my dreams. Each night I've been living through each victim's last moments. I want it to stop so much..."

"That's horrible" Alani stared at me with wide eyes, "But it appears we're opposites. I can see the future."

"Huh," I blinked in surprise, "What a coincidence..."

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