Chapter 12

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"Hold the horses, I'll be back in a moment" I whispered to Aspen, "Don't make any noise or I'll cut your throat."

"Why do I have to get the boring job?" Aspen complained, giving me a pouty look, "Can't I help?"

"Quit complaining" I hissed, lashing my tail, "Would you rather starve?"

Aspen said nothing, just mumbling quiet curses. I chose to ignore him. Leaving the brunette to hold the horses, I quietly made my way around the edge of the stone building. Inside the building was a bakery, which from the smell of it, had plenty of freshly baked food ready to be stolen.

Pulling my mask over my face, I peered through the window. No one was there thankfully. It must be our lucky day. Slipping around the corner, I darted through the doorway. Fresh loaves and pastries rested on a wooden bench, their aroma intruding on my nostrils like they were begging to be taken. I was reaching out to grab them when I felt something strike me over the head. I spun around with a hiss.

"Thieves! In broad daylight!" A middle-aged lady stood wielding a broom, a furious expression on her face, "Get lost!" As she tried to smack me again with the broom I ducked under, snatching the food.

"Don't make me hurt you" I snarled, "Just let me take these and leave."

"Like hell I will" she snorted, her wrinkled face not betraying an ounce of fear, "Get out of my shop before I call for the authorities."

Shit, I thought, I can't let anyone know we're here.

Letting out a growl, I reached for the knife on my belt. I hadn't wanted to spill blood, but I wasn't sure I had a choice. Just as I was about to strike, the lady suddenly collapsed. Behind her stood Aspen, holding a metal pole. A cold expression was on his face, which warmed when he looked up at me.

"Are you okay, darling?" He grinned, tilting his head, "I was wondering what was taking so long."

"Help me grab this food" I commanded, "Load it into the saddlebags so we can get out of here as fast as possible."

"Not even a thank you?" I heard Aspen mutter, "Fine, I won't save you next time."

"She was about to call for authorities" I shot back, "We can't risk being seen."

"You're right" Aspen's eyes softened, "Let's go." Grabbing as much as I could carry, I sprinted out the door. Rounding the corner, I was glad to see the horses still standing there. They watched me curiously as I loaded their saddle bags full of food.

"Let's go" I swung myself into the saddle, turning Sayah towards the forest. Glancing behind, I made sure Aspen was there before urging her into a canter.

And strangely enough, no one followed us.


The sky was beginning to darken. We'd been gone a whole day, and no one had found us yet. I figured we'd probably be safe to stay another couple of days. I could only hope. Taking a deep breath, I hovered the knife over my wrist. The feeling of killing someone was bright in my memory. I had to atone.

Perhaps one day I'll learn not to hate myself the way I do.

I knew it was completely justified, but I firmly believed in an eye for an eye. Life may be unfair, but that didn't mean I had to be. I was about to begin slicing my wrist open when I heard the sound of Aspen clearing his throat.

"What are you up to?" He peered at me curiously.

"My justification of taking a life," I said quickly, tripping over my words, "Inflicting agony on myself so I may understand the crime I did."

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