Chapter 1

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Anna's POV

I was waken up by the sound of the pilot and watched as the plane landed in Maya Lunar. I sighed, rolling my stiff shoulders and legs waiting for the plane to come to a stop. I seemed to be on auto-pilot mode through the entire process of immigration and picking my luggage and only seem to break out of it when I heard Ashley and Chloe's voice calling me. They are my friends who are more like my sisters. I lifted my head, trying to seek them in the crowd when suddenly I was pulled into a hug.

"Oh my god ! You've cut your hair!" Chloe squealed, reaching out to grab and inspect my currently shoulder-length hair.

I smiled, taking in her appearance. She had not changed much. Her long curly scarlet hair is up in a ponytail as usual and her deep ocean eyes are accompanied with a perfect cat eye which is just how she likes it. Although it has been five years since I saw them, they had not seemed older than the day I left them.

"How are you Anna? Are you sure you're fine?" Ashley asked worriedly. Her light brown hair is currently tied up in a perfect bun which I could never seem to achieve. Although I could tell that she is wearing no make-up, she still managed to gathers the attention from people around us.

"I am not fine." I timidly replied after a while. Seeing them just brings up my emotions that I had kept bubbling inside me since I heard what he said. I am sure that my pale blue eyes would be accompanied by dark panda rings since I couldn't slept since that day.

Ashley took me into her arms once again, before nodding to the guards who had accompanied them. Next thing I know, I was already in the backseat of a car with both Ashely and Chloe sitting beside me. I lay my head on Ashley's shoulders in hopes to get more time to prepare myself. I was sure that they wanted some answers but they decided to hold back.

Once we arrived at the Pack house, I was led by both women to the Alpha's office where their mates would surely be.

"We're back." Chloe sang out and dived into her mates' open arms. Ashley led me to the sofa and sat down beside me, giving a smile to her own mate who is getting out of his chair to join us.

"Hi Jackson, hi Cole." They gave me a smile before enveloping me in their hug. Unlike Ashely and Chloe who had little to no change in their appearance, both Jackson and Cole had bulked up.

"What's with the man bun?" I asked Jack, slightly remembering that he never liked his hair being long.

"It's cause our Luna here," Cole said, pointing a finger at Ashley, "had accidentally let out that man bun is sexy and now Jack decided to wear it all the time."

I chuckled along with the others while Jack scowled at Cole.

"Do you feel better now Anna?" Ashley asked, rubbing my back slowly .

I gave her a smile and nodded. "I am sure you are all wondering why I am here when I had just contacted you guys that I found my mate a few weeks ago right?"

At the nod of their heads, I gave them a brief explanation of what happened since I don't think I am capable of telling the whole story to them without breaking down.

---Time Skip ---

By the time I was done , the four of them were shaking very badly . You could see from their eyes that they are struggling to keep their wolves under control . After each of them had calmed down , Jack hold the ceremony to accept me into the pack . The ceremony isn't that important because I'm a human but Jack told me that it will change my scent a bit so I just went with him .

"Now that you're accepted to our pack , why don't you come and see our children ?" Ashley asked . I nodded eagerly and followed them into the kids room . Ashley gave birth to a cute boy 6 years ago . He had dark brown hair the same as his father , dark blue eyes just like her and dimples that showed up every time he smiled .

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