Bonus Chapter 3

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Matteo woke up in the middle of the night and rushed to the room across his. There he found Rin awake on the bed, crying and sniffling softly. He sat on her bed and wiped her tears away.

“Hey, it’s okay. It was just a nightmare. Everything is going to be fine. You’re safe here.”

He kept whispering those words, patting her hair and made swirling motions on her back. His mother used to do this for him whenever he had nightmares as a child. It would always calm him down. After a while, he picked her up and started humming a lullaby from his childhood. He patted her back gently and carried her around the room, waiting for her to fall asleep, but she just wouldn’t.

“Alpha...Rin is scared…” is what she said while yawning at the same time.

“You won’t be. I’ll be here when you wake up, so don’t be afraid. No one will get to you when I am here.”

When she finally fell asleep, he took her to his room and placed her on his bed. He collapsed on the other side of his bed, feeling dead tired. Before he went to sleep, he silently thanked his mother who had to deal with waking up in the middle of the night for his younger self.

Matteo felt something tickling his nose when he woke up. He wants to laze around for longer before getting up, yet the tickling sensation didn’t stop.

“Stop..” Matteo groaned as he tried to swap that sensation away. “Five more minutes..”

When it continued, he decided to wake up. Large dark-brown eyes were staring back at him. When she saw that he had woken up, she smiled. It was the most sincere smile that he had received in a long time, which had him smiling back in return.

“Morning,” he patted her head and sat up. “Hungry?”

At her nod, he told her to wait and went to the bathroom to do his business. When he was done, he came out, took her into his arms and went downstairs. He decided to have their breakfast outside. He wanted her to be able to get some sun and ran around if she wanted to. He didn’t want her to feel cooped up.

He felt her gazing around on their way outside, meeting the curious eyes of his pack members. He had not addressed who she is and why he is keeping her near him, especially after he drove everyone close to him away after the palace incident seven years ago. With no parents and no close friends, he was ready to end his own life. He wondered as he stared at Rin’s face, why had he stopped to save her and why was he not willing to contact her parents. His Beta seems to think the same. Just after he and Rin were served their breakfast, his Beta came and informed him that Alpha Zane and Luna Anna is looking for their missing child.

Rin felt the gaze of the Alpha Matteo on her face. Even after she looked up and smiled at him, he just kept staring at her, with his mouth slightly opened. “Alpha?” That seemed to break him out of his trance. “Alpha?” she was worried about him, and she didn’t want anything to happen to him.

“I’m okay, Rin, I’m okay.” he said, “Keep eating okay? I need to go somewhere real quick, but I’ll be back.” Although she didn’t believe that he is okay, she nodded her head and continued to eat. However, she lost her appetite the moment Alpha left. Being a quadruplet, she is always surrounded by her brothers and sister, and they do most things together. Eating by herself made the food taste bad and she didn’t like it.

As she waited for the Alpha to return, her mind started to wander off. Rin didn’t get why people around here are so scared of him. She likes this Alpha very much. He protected her from the bad guys, fed her, read her stories and put her to sleep. His actions’ reminded her so much of her parents. She heaved a sigh as she thought of her parents. She missed them and knew that they would be worried sick. They always are. She is the baby of the house and the weakest compared to her siblings. Yet she didn’t want to leave Alpha alone. Although he was surrounded by a lot of people, she could feel his loneliness. She also saw a vision of him taking his own life before she was taken away by those rogues. She had a feeling that would happen if she leaves him.

“Rin?” Realizing she had zoned out, she looked up. The Alpha was standing over her and he was frowning.

“Why aren’t you eating? Do you feel sick?”

She shook her head, “Rin is waiting for Alpha. Rin doesn’t like to eat alone.”

Alpha looked like he wanted to cry and smile at the same time, and she felt a surge of feelings from him. “Alpha, are you okay?” she asked. She reached out one of her hands and wiped away the lone tear that had managed to escape his eyes.

Matteo had dreaded this moment. His wolf had cherished this pup a lot and so did he. But he remembered what he had done to end up in the situation that he is in today. Had he not rejected his mate, he would have his pups in his hands by now.

He had delayed this topic as much as he can, but not anymore.

“Do you know your parents’ names?”

“Yes. Daddy is Alpha Zane and Mommy is Luna Anna.”

Rin noticed the grimace he had when she mentioned her parents’ names. She figured that they may not have the best relationship.

“It’s okay Alpha. Mommy and Daddy are really nice. They won't be mean to you Alpha.”

Matteo tried to smile at her, but he was quite sure that he wasn’t fooling anyone. Now everything made sense. The connection that his wolf made with this child was because she was, in fact, his pup. Although he knew who she was from the information that his Beta relayed to him, he had a glimmer of hope that she wasn’t their missing child.

“We’ll contact your parents after this okay? You’ll get to meet them soon.” It pained him to say it, but he couldn’t take care of her. He is a demon, who knows when his wolf will go berserk and hurt her. He’d rather not take that chance.

Rin felt very anxious for some unknown reasons. There is a big part of her that doesn’t like it seeing this Alpha so sad.

That afternoon, Matteo was lying on the bed with his daughter. She finally fell asleep for her nap. If he was right, Rin should be around six years old, yet she looked so small. He was worried about her, whether something is wrong with her. In the short time that he knew her, she became his world, he would protect her from all harm. Including himself.

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