Chapter 4

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Anna's POV

I was thinking about my job when I took my shower . Last year the school told us to make a story for the book festival . The school was a book publisher , every year it picked out talented students from each book categories and published their books .

I was in the mystery and action categories .

My book was published last year and it was popular , but the school gave us a stage name since they wanted us to study more . The winner in these categories wouldn't be announced since they didn't want any student to know . I didn't even know who else won this competition .

I had talked to my editor and she told me to send the manuscript to her house . I hadn't told her about my condition and I didn't plan on telling her .

Jack, Cole , Ashley and Chloe also knew about it . They thought that it is funny because I'm a very timid and shy girl , I also can't fight . My clumsiness didn't help me either , and I am not intimidating or scary at all .

But the books that I'd written contains many fighting scenes and the characters are very very different from me . They are vicious , and smart and everything else that is not me .

I intended to finish writing my book 2 months before I gave birth.

However , no matter what I do , I couldn't think of an idea , meaning I am in a major writer's block !

I went outside and decided to take a walk with Xavier . We saw the other pack members and greeted them . While we were walking , Xavier suddenly broke our silence with a question . "Auntie , what names will you give to your babies ?"

I stopped walking widened my eyes . That's right , I had been too caught up with my book to think about the names .

Stupid ! Anna , you're so stupid ! How could you forget , that's one of the most important things !

I noticed that Xavier was still waiting for my answer so I told him 'No'.

"Ehhhhh ? Why haven't you Auntie ?" He whined .

I smiled and replied " Because Auntie has been busy lately. "

He pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest .

"I will find them later don't worry . Oh ! I have an idea , why don't you give me the name suggestions ? Pick out a boy and a girl name and I'll decide which one I'll use ."

"Really ? Then let's go home now , I want to find the names as quick as possible ." He shouted .

He pulled my hand and pulled us home . We were near the house when something smacked my head and I felt darkness consumed me .

I woke up in a dirty cell with Xavier beside me . My first instinct was to touch my small bump .

When I looked around I found Xavier on a dirty and broken mattress . His face was swollen and so was his body . His hands were cuffed behind his back with a silver handcuff . That's when I took a look at myself and saw that I was in the same condition .

What happened ? Why are we here ? was what I thought . I immediately scanned my surroundings for any kind of clue , it's a habit I picked up from writing mystery books .

I saw a man standing outside a door and it looked like he was sleeping . Maybe he was our guard , humph if he was he sucked at it .

I moved and layed beside Xavier , trying to bring some comfort to him . I focused my eyes on the silver handcuff , it's burning him . I tried open it with my bobby pin , it took sometime but eventually it worked . My mom had taught me this when I was young , it was certainly useful . I planned to get rid of the handcuff but I put it under the mattress instead . It could be useful later .

I kept searching for any kind of clue , when I caught a light from a small window . I took note of the direction it was facing . If we are close to Jack's territory then we must be near the South border . I looked further and saw the birds , the birds that I saw last week outside Jack's territory. But , that wasn't enough , I needed more clue .

Not long after that l , Xavier woke up , he panicked but I managed to calm him down .

"Shh , not so loud Xavier , do you know who kidnapped us ?" I whispered .

"Yes , they're rogues . I smelt them when we were on our way home . Are the babies okay ?" He replied .

I nodded and he released his breath . The guard must be a heavy sleeper to sleep through all the sounds Xavier made. "Xavier do you remember what we saw outside your dad's territory last week  ?"

"Yes , I saw two birds in a nest , some purple flowers near the trees , a small cabin . I also saw other things but what does it have to do with our situation ?" He asked .

"Well , I think we are there , I saw everything that you've told me through that small window . Can you link your dad and tell him where we are now?"

He quickly did what I said and I kept an eye on the guard who , thankfully , was still snoring very loudly . I studied his position and noticed that nothing had changed . Thank goodness , if he was awake , I can't guarantee Xavier's and my babies' safety .

Jack POV

'Dad ? Are you there ?' I heard Xavier asked .

"Xavier ? Where are you ? Are you safe ? How about Anna and her babies ?"

'We are okay . Now listen dad remember when you found me outside the territory last week ?'

"Yes I remember . What's wrong with that place ?"

'Well I think the we are there in the small cabin . Auntie Anna saw the same view she saw last week and she believed that we are in that area. The guard are sleeping so we're safe .'

"Alright son , take care of your aunt . I'll be there immediately !"

I cut the link and took my pack warriors with me. We ran to the place as quick as we can but we slowes down when we hit there . I saw two rogues outside the cabin and I smelt Xavier's and Anna's scent inside . Our warriors took down the rogues immediately and we burst inside . I killed the leader easily and went to search for my family . I ran to a wall but that's where Xavier's and Anna's scent were strongest .

I kicked the wall down and I saw a guard , it looked like he had just woken up . I ended his life immediately and open the door . There in a dirty cell , was my son and Anna. Anna placed him behind her and stood protectively when she heard the door opened , it made me proud to see that she was willing to sacrifice herself and her babies in order to protect my son.

When they saw me , they sighed in relief . I broke the lock and opened the cell door . "T-thank goodness you're " was her final words before she fainted . I caught here and ordered my warriors to pick Xavier up.

We ran back to the territory and went to the pack doctor. I handed Anna to them and one of them took Xavier from my pack warrior . After a few minutes , I met Xavier and engulfed him into a hug . As for Anna , her doctor told me that she needed to rest and we must not stress her . If she didn't do that , he was afraid that she'll have miscarriage .


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