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Anna's POV

I didn't expect to feel different after being fully mated , but I do . The bond that I had with him , the one that made me feel a little guilty every time Zane kissed me or hugged me , was completely gone .

It was replaced by the feeling of content which I somehow knew came from the man sleeping beside me . I smiled , looking at his gorgeously sculptured face . Zane must be the most good-looking man I had ever seen , even he wasn't this handsome .

Since I could no longer sleep , I carefully removed his arm and got off the bed . I took a shower and did all the morning necessities .

When I left the bathroom , I saw Zane sprawled out on the bed , one of his arms moving around , trying to grab something . Curious , I continue watching him .

He grabbed onto my pillow, brought it closer to his face and hugged it . He didn't move for a while so I was about to leave but then he abruptly got up . His nose started sniffing furiously , his eyes scanned the room before they landed on me .

He gave me a dazzling smile , motioning me to come . When I was close enough , he pulled me into a hug . I giggled , returning the hug .

"What's wrong ?"

"I thought you were gone ."

"Why would I be gone ?" I stroke his messy hair , earning a small growl in return . I just knew that it meant he was happy .

Out of nowhere he asked me something that surprised me ."Is your bond with your ex-mate completely broken ?"

"Uh , yeah . How did you know that I still have the bond with him ?" I had never told him that , in fact I never told anyone .

"When I marked you , I could feel your emotions , not as much as now of course ,nevertheless I knew you feel guilty every time we're being affectionate ." He gritted his teeth , showing his displease .

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you . I just didn't want to make you angry ." I said , taking a seat beside him .

"Yet your action only made me angrier ."

"I no longer have any feelings towards my ex-mate . I only want you Zane and only you . I am yours just as you are mine ."

"Say that again ." He rubbed his face on mine , like what a cat would do .

"Which part ?"

"The part where you said that you are mine ." Then his phone started ringing , when he made no move to answer it , I broke the hug and pointed to the phone .

He huffed before answering with a rude 'hello' . I left him to get some food . Love is important but food is even more . I had just reached the stairs when Zane let out a roar that shook the windows .

Before I had the chance to see what's wrong , he was already behind me , pulling me into a tight hug and started sniffing like crazy .

"You're mine...mine, mine, mine, mine ! I won't let him take you away . I won't let anyone take you away ."

I leaned back , catching sight of his completely jet black eyes . Using one of my hands , I pulled his face down for a kiss , one that he quickly took control of . It was far from sweet , almost rough, but it was full of need .

When he pulled back , his eyes had turned to normal . "What's wrong ?"

"Your ex-mate just gave me a call ."

I froze , the last conversation that I had with him  came into my mind .

"Z-zane.......does he- does he know wh-"

"He doesn't know that you're here . And I will make sure it stays that way ." I sighed , relieved that he didn't know about my whereabouts .

"So what does he want then ?"

"He wanted to come and find his runaway mate . He has no right to call you his mate . I am your mate !"

"I know that , you know that , this pack know that ."

It took me a while to completely calm him down . We ended up sitting on top of the stairs , since my I could only stand for so long before my feet collapsed .

It wasn't until my stomach let out a rather embarrassing growl that he finally noticed the time . "Have you not eaten ?" I shook my head ." I was going to , but your roar stopped me ."

"Well , why don't we feed the little ones first ? I'm quite famished myself ." He picked me up bridal style , making me squeal .

" I can walk you know ."

"But I like helping you , it makes me happy ."

"Why don't you deal with my ex-mate problem first ? There must be a lot to do ."

"We will deal with one of them today . Although I wouldn't call it one of the problems . It's more of a joyful thing ."

"What's there to be joyful about ?"

"Well ," he set me down , pulling a chair out for me . "We're going to have a Luna ceremony . It's indirectly involved with the matter we're facing ."

"How so ?" I asked , taking the seat that he offered .

"By having the Luna ceremony , you will officially become the Luna of this pack . That way , even if your ex-mate happened to take this matter to the council , he won't be able to take you away from me ."

"So..." Taking a sip of orange juice that he gave . "what you're saying is that before the ceremony the council won't consider me as the Luna to this pack ? Is it correct ?"

"Yeah , now eat up , it's way past your usual breakfast time ."

Putting the conversation on hold , we started eating the cereal that he made . The breakfast was spent in silence as usual since Zane wasn't a fan of talking during meals .

Even though it's still early and it's Sunday , I was surprised to see no one besides us . I thought that the roar would have woken everyone up .

"So..if we didn't do the ceremony , I would still be up-to-grab ? Is that the right word ?" I inquired when we're done with breakfast .

"Yes , by making you the Luna of this pack , the council would be on our side since he had rejected you and therefore not allowed to have you back ."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion . "But- what's the difference ? Even if we didn't do the ceremony , he still had technically rejected me ."

"Ah , but the difference is there , my mate . When you are the official Luna to this pack , it meant that you had willingly broken bonds with him because the ceremony can only be completed when the Luna is willing . Any act of forcing will not connect the bonds between a Luna and her pack and the ceremony will not be completed . "


"If the ceremony isn't  held the council will assume that you still have feelings for him , therefore you are still up-for-grab . I will come and pick you up tonight for the ceremony , make sure to dress formally ."

"What can I do to help ?"

"All you need to do is rest . I want you to rest for both of us . Okay ?"

"I will , don't worry . By the way , where did everyone go ? It's almost noon and I haven't seen anyone since we woke up ."

He chuckled , placing me down on the  sofa of my workplace . "Nobody wanted to face the Alpha when he's angry . Even if they come , they'll only be the receiving end of my anger ."

"Well then , off you go . I can manage just fine by myself ." He cupped my face , claiming my lips one last time before leaving for work . When he was out of the room , I began to work .

It was about an hour later when I got a call . I swiped answer without bothering to check the number . 'Hello?'

'Anna ,baby , long time no see . Think you can spare some time to meet your lovable mate ?'

I tensed , recognising the voice immediately . Due to the shock , my phone slipped and fell out of my hand . It was no other than my ex-mate , Matteo Hussey .

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