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Zane's POV

The moment Anna lose her consciousness, I lost control of myself. Since Matteo seemed determined to keep his hold on my mate's neck, I ripped his arms out. Blood started gushing out and he started screaming in agony. I threw him off of the bed and stood in front of him, ready to end his pathetic life when all of a sudden, I was restrained by someone, even though all I wanted to do was to rip that bastard's head and tore it into pieces.

"Alpha, please restrain yourself. Our Luna needs your help." At the mention of Luna, I suddenly thought of Anna and our babies. Once I stop trashing around, the person holding me release their hold on me. I saw that some guards had also kept a hold on Matteo too, who kept trashing wildly in their arms. "Alpha Zane," Prince Elliot said as he walked closer to me, carrying my mate in his arms.

I held my hands out instinctively, taking my mate into my arms. "Take her to the doctor. My men will lead you there. I will sort out the matter here."

I nodded, thanking the man before me and swiftly ran to the doctor's office with one of the guards leading the way in front of me.

Elliot's POV

Staring at the mess in front of me, I sighed out loud. Alpha Matteo is currently beyond help. He had lost his mind and let his wolf take over completely. I watched as he continued to struggle with the silver chains that we had used on him.

Even though lycans have a lot of authority and power, killing an Alpha without a good reason could result in the rage of other packs, especially the ones that had good relationship with their pack. The council from Matteo's pack as well as his Beta had come to witness firsthand on his condition. His council together with the castle's council will come to a decision together.

To kill or to not kill.

If they want him to live, I don't particularly care. However, if they do, they will have to consider his right on sharing parental rights with Anna. I won't let this scumbag anywhere near her babies. He is a threat to our future queen.

"Prince Elliot," I turned to see Head Council Elaine walking towards me. I had heard her heels long before she arrived in this room.

"Have they decided?"

"Yes, even the former Alpha took place in making it. He had came to witness his son's condition since he did not believe us when he heard the news." She answered, her eyes narrowing at the chained person rolling around in the room as she came to stand beside me. "What is he doing?"

"Seems like he had broke the chair and is running berserk around the room." I replied, watching this madman ran around the interrogation room. "So what should we do now?"

"We let him go." I whipped my head around so quickly, I think I even heard a crack. "What?"

"Yep, that's what his pack wants. They'll come to pick him up any moment now."

"That's weird..."

"We couldn't say anything. But we did take his right to visit Anna and his children though."

"That's a surprise. Considering the fact that they refused to kill a madman like him, they just let the future Alpha go that easily? Is there a catch?" I left the interrogation room with the woman in tow. Watching him had quickly become boring.

Elaine raised her arms and crossed them behind her head."Well, we brought up the fact that he tried to kill Anna and her babies today, so they quickly agree to our suggestion. In fact, I would say that they agree too easily."

"And you didn't say anything?"

She raised one of her eyebrows at me, before rolling her eyes. If she was not my friend, I would have been angry at her disrespectful attitude, but considering the hundreds years of friendship that we had, I had gotten used to it. "We are not in any position to question anything, are we? We can't possibly use the trump card this early if you still want the girl to be alive by the time she was mature enough to mate." She chuckled.

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