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Zane's POV

It had been two weeks since Anna came here . She's adjusting quite better than I expected .

My father liked her , saying that she had good manners and the very fact that she loved a good cup of tea like him . My mother was more of a coffee person and so was I . He didn't mind that she was pregnant . They even often had tea in the afternoon together .

"A penny for your thoughts ?"

I looked at my beautiful mate , her bump looked incredibly huge you would think that she's going to give birth soon . However, I still had around two and a half months to enjoy our time together before the babies came .

"I'm just happy to see you enjoying yourself ."

She was typing away on her laptop , saying that she got some inspiration after spending the whole day at the orphanage . Anna took off her glasses , signaling me to come . In the two weeks that I had the fortune of knowing her , I learned that she liked to hug......a lot .

"Hmmm, I like hugging you the most . You smell so good and you're so warm and....you're just so cuddlable . "

I chuckled , stroking her head and taking in her scent. Suddenly the door burst opened and my little sister came inside . "I wanna see the babies !"

"Oliver ! How many times do I have to tell you ? Knock before you enter ! You could surprise Anna !" I yelled , trying my best to calm the rapid beating of my mate's heart .

"Oh , sorry . I forgot ." She grinned sheepishly .

"You okay ?"

"It's alright , I'm fine ." She smiled , her heartbeat finally turning back to normal .

Oliver made it her night routine to come and talk to the babies before going to bed ever since she found out that Anna's pregnant and what being pregnant meant . At first it was kinda cute to see her but now , it annoys me cause she loved to barge into my room .

After marking Anna , we decided to complete the mating but we were interrupted by Oliver . She banged our door in the middle of the night and completely destroyed the mood .

"Hi my nephews and nieces , it's your aunt Oliver speaking ." She said , resting her hands on Anna's bump . "I hope you guys are being nice today and -oohh - they kick me ! They're responding ! Wow ! It's so cool !"

"Yeah , yeah , whatever ." I grumbled , still upset that I couldn't complete the mating .

"Oliver ! It's time to sleep . Come here , don't bother your brother and his mate any longer ."

"Aw , bye bye babies . Auntie Oliver have to go now ." Oliver kissed the bump before leaving the room with a pout .

After Oliver left I eyed my mate , she had went back to typing . I desperately wanted to complete our mating , but she didn't show any signs of wanting to do it ever since that night .

"Anna "

"Hmm ?"

"Have you decided on the babies' names ?"

"Yep , it's Amalia, Riley, Alexander, and Ryan. Ashley , Chloe , Jack and Cole were the one to find these names, I only chose them ."

"Oh..." I wanted to name them ,but I guess we could wait for our own pups . Anna suddenly stopped typing and closed her laptop . She joined me on the bed and snuggled close to me . Having her body so close to mine turn me on , it didn't help that I notice she's not wearing her bra .

"Are you disappointed ?"

"Hmm ? In what ?"

"That you didn't get to choose the names ."

Realising that this is a serious talk , I shook the inappropriate thoughts off my head . "A little....but I hope to have the chance of doing it when we have our own pups.....if you want to of course . I won't force you ."

"Well...." Her cheeks started to burn , thinking that she had a fever I put my hand on her forehead .

"You don't have a fever ? Do you feel sick ?" She shook her head before whispering things onto my ear .

"Why don't we start practicing ?" It took me exactly 5 seconds before I understood what she meant , grinning when I did .

Planting a kiss on her mark , I pulled her clothes off , leaving her in her birthday suit . Then I proceeded to take in one of her nipples into my mouth , sucking it , drawing a moan out of her . She fiddled with my shirt , trying to take it off of me . I stopped and took off my my shirt and pants . Anna wasted no time in pulling me into another passionate kiss .

This time I remembered to tell mom to keep Oliver away from my room . There's no way in hell that I was gonna let her destroy this moment again .




Unknown's POV

"Argghh! What the -arrghh!"

"Babe what's wrong ? Do I need to get a doctor ?" Grace asked , turning the lights on .

"I don't know ! I was just sleeping and then I felt like being burn ! Arrgh ! F***! "

"I'll go get the pack doctor ." She put on her robe then scrambled out.

"Mate ! Mate is being marked !"

"She's being marked ?!" I growled out , feeling the bond I had with her slowly and painfully started breaking .

The pain only stopped when our bond had been fully destroyed . The moment it was gone , my wolf started going crazy . Howling , growling and pacing inside my mind .

"You ! You are the one who destroyed the bond ! Give me back my mate ! Give her back ! Now !"

"How can I be the one to break the bond when she's the one who ran away ! She's the whore who opened her legs to other men !"

"If you hadn't been so stupid , I wouldn't have lost her ! If you hadn't slept around and just be loyal to her I would have her in my arms right now ! Bring her back ! If you don't bring her back , I'll claw out your mind ! I want my mate now !"

I growled , feeling my wolf starting to go crazy . They used to say the moment you lose your mate , you and your wolf would go crazy and death would soon follow . I didn't believe in that s*** .

I could work just great without my mate . She's a hindrance anyway .

"Babe , I've brought the pack doctor ......babe? Are you alright ?"

"Why wouldn't I be ?" I laughed histerically .

"You don't look alright...." She screamed when I threw the nightstand lamp near her .

"I AM THE ALPHA ! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO QUESTION ME ! LEAVE ! I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP ! LEAVE !" As I shouted I began throwing things , whatever I could get my hands on , at Grace and the pack doctor .

They left quickly , closing the door as they did .

"It's okay . I can live without her . Ha ha , I don't need her anyway . She's the one who doesn't want me . I am a strong man ,I mean I am an Alpha . Yes , I don't need her . I am free without her . I am fine , I am alright ." I constantly repeated that , trying to make drill those thoughts into my mind . However , deep inside my mind , I knew that things weren't fine.....and they never will be .

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