Chapter 5

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Anna's POV

"Anna ?" I heard someone said . I opened my eyes to see a room , wait ..... this isn't my room .

What am I doing here ?

I turned my head to see Chloe and Ashley standing beside me . They literally burst into tears once they saw me , I got panic and yelped loudly . But they didn't stop crying , I felt weird and pet their head awkwardly . Usually I'm the one who cry not them , I wonder what happened .

Once the sobbing was done , they started to explain everything to me .

It had been 3 days since that incident and I had been asleep all the time. My body healed quickly but that's because the babies inside me were healing me . That's what Chloe told me . After the storytelling was over , she and Ashley took me to the living room where the boys were .

I was immediately greeted by the boys . However , I didn't waste anytime to ask a question that I've been wondering . "Hey Jack why didn't Xavier go into super panic mode when we're caught ?"

"Because , I've been training him . As an Alpha we must always be calm in case anything bad happens to our pack or our pack members . I've put him through several trainings , for example I would take him to somewhere he doesn't know while he was sleeping . Then I'll tell him to come back by his own when he woke up . He needed to find the clues I left there to get home . My father used to train me like that ." Jack explained .

"yep , I remember your first time . You cried out loud because you can't stand the dark and then your mom got mad and told your father to bring you back ." Grandpa Max chuckled .

Jack blushed and all of us laugh .

"So ..... when my children are born , do they need to go through some trainings ?" I was hoping that he would say no because I didn't want to leave my children alone in a place they don't know .

"Of course, they need those trainings ! Your children are Alpha's children , they would need to learn how to fight . The girls don't have to go through these trainings if you don't want them to do it , but I think it's better to train them ."

I thought about it for a second . I once loved fighting when I saw mom and dad fought and trained the wolves , but they died the day they were supposed to teach me . The pack tried to train me but it always reminded me of them so I stopped my training one month after their death .

"I will let the girls decide . If they wishes to learn , I will support them ." I sighed .

"Oh yeah , Anna , Xavier told me you haven't picked out the names for your children . Need our help ?" Cole asked , giving me a smirk .

"Well ,I do . I need to finish my story so that I could be free from deadlines two months before my pregnancy. So can you guys think of something for me ? If possible ,I want it to have a meaning ." I replied .

"No problem . You go get some rest , work on your book later Anna ." Grandpa Max said .

I was about to protest when Jack continued " If you don't have some good rests , the doctor is afraid that you'll have miscarriage . You don't want that to happen do you ?"

I cringed and shook my head , I went upstairs obediently .

Jackson's POV

I was discussing about the babies' name with Chloe, Ashley and Cole when my phone rang . It was from Alpha Matteo, Anna's mate . I answered it and put it on speaker .

"Hello ?"

'Hello Alpha Jackson , I'm Alpha Matteo from the Crystal pack . I was wondering if you have any girl named Anna in your pack .'

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