Chapter 9

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Anna's POV

I woke up on an empty bed accompanied by the sound of my growling stomach . That's strange , I thought I fell asleep on the meeting - ah , Zane must have carried me here .

"Zane..." I smiled , I felt like a teenage girl all over again . Even though I didn't know much about him , but just the thought of him made me felt butterflies in my stomach .

Shaking my head I stood up , did my morning routine and left the room for food . When I entered the kitchen , I saw Chloe cooking along with Xavier who was helping her .

"Good morning ,what are we having for breakfast?"

"Morning Aunt Anna ."

"Morning~we're having bacon and eggs ,do you want some ?"

"Yum , yes please ." I took a seat . When Xavier was done with his breakfast , he left the room .I was finally free to ask the question that had been clouding my mind since I woke up .

"Did Zane left ?"

"Yes , he did so after he had signed the treaty . He said that he'll be back in a week to pick you up and pack only necessary things ." Ashley said taking a bite out of her bacon . I felt a little sad to know that he left without telling me but I shook it off . He's an Alpha , he didn't have to tell me if he wanted to leave .

"Why ?"

"He left his number ,so call and ask him. Although , I have a feeling that you're going to receive his call soon. "

I took the paper and just sat there looking at the phone number. Should I call him ? Will I disturb him ?Maybe I shouldn't .....but I want to hear his voice....I shouldn't be so clingy-but-

"Are you happy to be blessed with a second chance mate ?" Ashley asked , abruptly stopping me from my useless thoughts .

"I'm not sure . I don't know him well enough to judge ."

"I see... I've heard some rumors about him , but you and I both know that rumors are mostly fake ."

"He also insisted that I move in with him in a week when I suggested one month. I'm sure that I'm not ready to live with him . I mean - I just met him! "

"I figured​ . Mates can't be separated for too long , especially Alpha mates . You are fortunate that he even gives you one week to prepare . Even Jack isn't willing to do that ."

"I sense a hidden story behind that ." I asked , receiving my plate from her .

"Well , when we met I was still in high school and I had summer camp . Jack refused to let me go and insisted that I stay here . He even made sure to lock all the windows and doors , even going as far as putting guards around the house to make sure that I wouldn't escape ." She giggled , reminiscing the memory .

"But the most important thing was what are your plans for your babies ?"

"He said he'd​ take care of them .....I-I really don't need a relationship right now Ashley, especially not another mate . I don't know how I'm going to tell him ." I frowned , taking my frustration out on my scrambled eggs .

" You won't , that's the best option . Who knows what he'll do when you said that , maybe lock you up in a room or maybe chain you to the bed . I'm sure he'll​ do anything to prevent you from leaving him ."

She took a bite out of her bacon and said " I suggest you give it a try . Sure maybe your first mate is a horrible man , but you shouldn't let that destroy your chance of finding happiness . Who knows maybe Zane can be your happily ever after , you won't know if you don't give him a chance ."

My phone suddenly started ringing , I took it and saw that it was an unknown number .



'Zane? Is that you ?' Ashley started smiling and mouthed 'I told you so'.

'Yes , I'm sorry I had to leave while you're sleeping .'

'Oh! It's fine, you don't have to worry about it . Um..If you don't mind..can I ask you something ?'

'You can ask me anything mate . You shouldn't fear me so much .' He growled out .

'W-what should I pack ? I mean I don't know where you live and-and I get cold easily so-'

'I would prefer if you didn't bring anything , especially the things you received from your ex-mate . I am your mate ,I will provide everything that you need .'

'T-there's no need for that ! I like my clothes a lot and I don't need new ones !'

'...Fine , you can take whatever you want , but make sure to leave some of them there . You want to give birth there , don't you?'

'Y-yes , thank you .'

'No need to thank me mate . Before I forget , burn all the things you received from your ex-mate , wait-just give them to me , I'll burn them myself .' I could hear him growling again and the worst part was...he sounded so sexy....

'It's alright , I-'

'No it's not .You're pregnant , you shouldn't be anywhere near smoke . It's not healthy .'

I giggled as I remember when Jake used to say that to Ashley. 'I don't have to burn anything Zane . I left the things when I left him , so you don't have to worry about anything . Nothing that I have is a present from him .'


'W-well then , see you next week .'

'I'll call you tonight and tomorrow morning mate .I want to be the last person you talk to at night and the first person to talk to you when you wake up .'

'O-okay...bye' I quickly hang up .

Ashley was grinning at me , I knew that I was blushing , but I felt so happy that I couldn't be bothered to wipe that grin off her face .

"This is only the beginning Anna , you'll have plenty of those in the future , if you try out this mate bond ."

"I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing. If he keeps doing that , it will be bad for my heart ."

And there's the fact that I couldn't possibly withstand another rejection . If we decided to try this relationship , and one day he decided to leave me , I didn't think I could survive .

"He won't do that Anna.... whatever it is that you're thinking , is bullshit . In the first place , no werewolves would try to reject his mate . Rejection means death to us Anna ."

"But I'm a special case right ? So what if it happens again ? I'm special enough to get rejected once, what if I'm special enough to get rejected twice ?"

"You have my word Anna , that wolf will not let you go , trust me ."

Trust was a powerful word to me . I didn't do it often because of a certain someone , but I trust Ashley, she's been here almost all my life , acting like a sister I never had .If she thought Zane would be good to me , I would trust her .

Pregnant and RejectedWhere stories live. Discover now