Bonus Chapter 5

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Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading and supporting my book all this time. Some of you had been asking me for a sequel for this book. I might make it in the future, but for now, I have a new story pent up inside me wanting to be released, so I'll need to write them first.

I hope that this book entertains you during this quarantine/ circuit breaker period.

And I wish you luck if you're trying to learn something new. Stay safe everyone :)

P.S. if you miss it, go back to the description of this book and read the warning please.


Matteo had agreed to listen. Once he did, he asked for some time.

Thankfully Zane and Anna understood and left his office.

As he sat there, he wondered if there was any point if he underwent the therapy. If there was any point if he continued to live.

Hed still be without a mate. Hed still be alone.

What's the point in fighting for his life if hed still be alone in the end?

He wasn't needed in this pack. If he died, his Beta could do his work. Hell, his Beta is practically the Alpha now. All of his duties had been passed on to his Beta when he lost control five years ago.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even hear someone enter the room.

Rin had crawled into his lap. "Alpha, Alpha, Rin just read a book, and inside it, they told Rin to tell the people Rin love how much Rin loves them," she beamed. "Rin like you thiiiss much", she said, stretching her hands apart as far as she could.

Matteo chuckled and patted her head. As he sat there, listening to Rin, he's starting to see why this life is worth living for. He wasn't sure if he would have this feeling with the other children, but he knew, as long as Rin is alive, she would be the one thing that hed live for.

However, that's not enough for his wolf.

After making sure that Zane, Anna, Rin, along with their guards are safely nestled in the hotel, Matteo returned to his office.

He summoned his Beta, Graham. At the age of 36, his Beta is mated and blessed with two pups. One of them is actually around Rin's age while one of them is a year younger than Rin.

"Is there something wrong Alpha?" Grahams piercing green eyes look concerned.

"Graham," he stated, "I am going to ask you questions and I want your honest opinion. Can you promise me that?"

Although he's still confused, Graham nodded.

"If I die today, would the pack still be able to function without me?"

"ALPHA!" Matteo held his hands up before Graham could speak even further, "I want your honest opinion. It would also be better if you can answer from an objective point of view."

Matteo waited for Graham to calm down. Even without Grahams answer, he already knew the answer to this question.

As he gritted his teeth in an effort of trying to control his anger, Graham answered "The pack would be able to function well without you Alpha. We would grief your loss and then move on to determine the next Alpha or wait for the council to assign a new Alpha to this pack."

"...Am I needed in this pack Graham?"

"Of course-"

"No. I am not. Even right now, I am handling zero Alpha duties. You've been handling all Alpha duties for the last five years. You're more suited to be Alpha than I am..."

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