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Anna's POV

Once I stepped into the room, my eyes immediately searched for my mate. However, to my surprise, his eyes were covered with a dark cloth, and when I searched for Matteo, he was in the same condition. The Prince's words rang through my head.

"I will not let him harm you in any possible way."

I really didn't think that he would do this, however, I do admit that it feels nice to not have to see Matteo's eyes, but it also makes me sad to not be able to see my mate's lovely face after being separated for a day. Matteo's pack is situated on the left side of the room while Zane's pack is on the right. Gilda guided me to a small podium that was placed in the middle of this huge room. I swear the King or Queen has a fascination with chandelier and the color red and gold. This castle was literally decorated with red, gold and chandelier every where. Anyway, the council started by calling my name.

To my surprise, I also saw Chloe, Cole, and Charlie amongst Zane's pack. I wonder what they are doing here.

"Miss Carey, is it true that Alpha Matteo is your mate?"

"He is-no, he was my first mate who had rejected me and decided to mate with another woman from his pack. I felt the moment he rejected me and my former packmates can attest to that. They were there to assure mine and my babies' safety." I winced, remembering the time where I felt like being sliced in two. I also heard two different growls behind me, one which I longed to hear, while the other one terrified me to the core.

The council looked at a small girl standing beside, and at her nod, they continued with other question. Every time I answered the council, he would look at the girl for some sort of... confirmation? When they are done with all the question, they ordered Gilda to escort me back to my room.

After arriving at my room, my curiosity got the best of me. "Hey Gilda, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Of course not, ask anything that you want. I will answer it to the best of my ability."

"Who is that little girl that was standing beside me during the trial?" I asked, taking my shoes off and lied down on the bed. The babies are seriously torturing my back and feet.

"Ah, that girl is a fairy. They can read people's mind, thus useful for determining whether someone is telling the truth or not. Although they look young, most of them are actually hundred years old."

"I see...ah, you don't have to do that." I tried to stop her, but she waved me away. "It's okay, it's okay, just let me do it." I was attempted to refuse her again, however she was so good with her hands that I threw that idea out of the window.




"Until when do you plan to stare ?"

"You are up?" I smiled and opened my eyes to see my lovely mate lying beside me, caressing my head tenderly. But that smile, turned to a frown when I felt his mood. I made a move to sit up and he helped by adjusting the pillows.

"Something wrong?"


"How bad?"

He let out a sigh. Scooting closer to me, he rested his head on my belly and just held on to my lower half.

"The council decided that you would still live with me and be my Luna if you wish to."


"Matteo get to visit the kids, since he is still the father of the kids and with the high potential of your son being an Alpha, his pack won't back down."

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I had hold. I would really prefer it if he didn't come near me or my children at all...

"I guess some dreams are too good to be true."

Zane lifted his head, his nearly black eyes, a sign that his wolf is on the surface. "I will be fine. You'll protect me won't you?" He growled out his response and snuggled his face in the crook of my neck, taking my scent in.

Suddenly, someone barged into my room and started growling. Zane placed his body in front of me and turned to face whoever it is. "Move. I deserve to see my mate."

I freeze the moment I heard his voice. I didn't dare to lift my head and face him, so I just hold onto the back of Zane's shirt and buried my face on his back. "She is not your mate." Zane growled threateningly.

"She is mine, that's my babies that are growing inside her."

"That does not make you her mate."

"Of course it does. Everyone knows that we can only get our mate pregnant. She carries my heir, so she is mine."

"You had rejected her, and now the Goddess had paired her up with me. She is no longer your mate. Leave this room immediately and go back to your bitch."

I heard Matteo let out a loud growl and his footsteps getting nearer before someone cleared their throat. "Alpha Matteo, I believe that you are not allowed to get within ten feet of Miss Carey. Why are you here?"

"SHUT UP! I WANT MY MATE!" I peeked out of Zane's back and saw that half of Matteo's face had contorted into wolf. His eyes had turned red and there's foam coming out of his mouth. On further inspection, his whole body is literally split into two, he is literally half man and half wolf right now. Even the Prince looked alarmed with his transformation.

"Zane...what happened to him?"

The moment I spoke, Matteo directed his head back to me and started smiling. I felt a chill run through me as he started to get closer and closer even with the warnings from Zane and the Prince.

"You are mine Anna. My human was stupid enough to let you go, but I won't let him made the same choice again. If I couldn't have you in this lifetime," he suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind me with a hold on my neck. "I WOULD TAKE YOU WITH ME TO THE NEXT LIFETIME!" I hit his hands, trying to get him to release his hold on my neck.

I could heard both Zane's voice and the Prince's voice near me, but I too focused on the lack of air that my body is experiencing. Black spots started clouding my vision and before I knew it, everything around me had turned black.

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