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Anna's POV

I wondered if Zane had told anyone about me being pregnant . What will the pack think of me ? A slut ? An unfaithful woman who couldn't even wait for her mate ? Yeah , that's possible , maybe when I arrived they had completed my assassination plan . Maybe they were waiting in the pack house , waiting to ambush me.

The sound of the door opening brought my attention back to the real world . Zane walked in , he had just carried my bags and suitcases to his car .

"Are you ready to go ?"

"No, no I am not ." I replied , not lifting my gaze from the window .

He frowned then lifted my chin up to face him . "Why don't you want to leave ? I know it can be hard to leave your home but I promise it will be worth it ."

"What will your pack think of me Zane ?" I asked , twiddling my fingers together .

"They will come to know and love you ."

"No they won't . They'll think I'm a slut , a woman who don't deserve you , a pathetic human who-"

He put a finger over my lips , a sign for me to stop sprouting nonsense .

"I told them that I am your second mate and told them that you're pregnant with the children of your first mate . It is normal for werewolves to mate the moment they meet each other , and to get pregnant not long after that . Rejection isn't normal but I am glad that he rejected you , for I wouldn't meet you if he didn't . However , if I had the chance to meet him , do keep in mind that I would punch the life out of him for making you face the pain of rejection ." He said , growling when he remembered that my ex hurt me while I smiled at his protectiveness .

"That's why , hold your head up , you didn't make any mistake , there's no need to be ashamed of yourself ."

I gave him a small smile , even after what he said , it still didn't change the fact that I wasn't carrying his child , they for me , was enough to make a bad first impression .

"You have to like me Zane , you are my mate , the one designed just to fit me and like me for who I am . Although , I am not so sure about that , seeing as I am rejected by my own mate ." I muttered , feeling so tired of the mate thing . I just wanted to sleep and never wake up .

"Are you okay Anna ?"

"I'm... fine , just peachy ." He didn't seem convinced , instead he swept me off the floor and proceeded walking to who knows where .

"Zane where are you taking me ?"

"To the doctor ."




"Alpha Zane , I know you are her mate , but please do not overwhelm her . A human carrying two alpha pups are going to be weak , add to that she is also carrying two human babies which means her body is more fragile than usual . You know how fragile a human is compared to us , imagine it being doubled ."

Zane growled in response , tightening his grip around me . "I understand doctor . Is there anything else I should know about ?"

"I would advice you not to move-but I understand it's not feasible ." He said , giving me a worried glance .

I couldn't blame him , I am worried too . I didn't even want to go , even though the thought of staying together with Zane made me happy . The thought of his pack hating me was scarier .

"....na....Anna.....Anna !"

"Huh ?"

"Are you in pain ? Should we go back ?" It was only then did I realise that we had left the clinic . We were back in my room .

"Anna ? What made you so scared ? I promised my pack won't hurt you , they wouldn't dare ."

"You don't understand ! You may love me now , but what will happen if your pack doesn't like me ? What are you going to do if they ask you to choose between the pack and me ? You said that they won't hurt me, but people also have the power to hurt others mentally ." I cried , shoving him away from me and locked myself in my bathroom.

"Anna , open the door ! Anna !"

"Go away ! Leave me alone !"

I heard him sigh ." I will leave you for one hour before we depart , you WILL leave this pack today ."

I didn't reply , too caught up in my own memories to care about what he said .

Zane's POV

This was not how I pictured bringing my mate home . I figured she would be nervous and I would calm her . Then the pack would get to know her and come to see that she was a sweet and loving woman .

I didn't think I would have to force her to leave and fight with her before we leave . I left her room in search for Luna Ashley or Beta Chloe , they would know why my mate was acting that way .

Finding them in the park with their children , I proceeded to explain what happened .

"Maybe it's because she was bullied in the past . I knew she was wary of people because of that , being rejected may have turned it into trauma of meeting new people ." Luna Ashley said after thinking so long .

"How was she bullied?"

"If I'm not mistaken , they only did small things at first , like- not wanting to talk to her , leaving her alone at lunch . Then one day , one of them accused her of stealing , their parents came to school but because Anna is an orphan , Jack's father came instead . Fortunately , the CCTV caught them , so Anna was proven innocent ." Beta Chloe added , wiping her child's mouth .

"However , things didn't stop there , they started isolating her , moving her desk to the gym , leaving snakes and lizards inside her locker . Anna was determined not to let it bother her and she didn't want to bother us , however they started getting more violent .

The boys started beating her , then the girls would sometimes throw flour and rotten eggs . We didn't know about this , until one day she didn't come back , so we started searching . They had cut her hair and locked her inside the old storage room , barely anyone went there . We could find her only because of our enhanced hearing ." Luna Ashley looked about to burst just from remembering that incident . "It took a lot of time for her to heal , so we homeschooled her ."

"Now I think I understand why she reacted that way ." I mumbled , regretting that I let my anger take control when she locked herself .

"Please don't hurt her again , I don't think she could take it if you do ." I nodded , telling both of them that I would take good care of her and the pups .

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