Bonus Chapter 4

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“Hello, this is Alpha Zane speaking.”

He gulped, summoning his courage for the sake of the girl that is currently sitting on his lap.

“Hello, this is Alpha Matteo.”

The line was so quiet that he thought he had hung up for a moment, before Zane started to speak.

“Is there something that you need?” He had not expected this reaction from him. He was shocked when he didn't hear him at least growl.

He was supposed to tell him that Rin is here, that his pup is here, but that would be a lie. Rin is his pup, not Zane’s pup, he is her father, yet at the same time he is not. He was never there for her. When she was taking her first step, he was locked up in his house, undergoing therapies. Now? He couldn’t care for her now either. His parental rights had been stripped away from him. And how can he forget that he was on his way to kill himself when they met.

No. He is going to do the right thing and let her go.

“I found your daughter Ryleigh in my territory several days ago. The rogues that took her had been handled with.”

“You found her?” Zane’s tone completely changed. He sounds so hopeful, “Can I speak to her ?....Please.”

He handed the phone to Rin, “Your daddy is on the line, why don’t you talk to him?”


He heard Zane sobs, and not long after he heard the sound of her voice. This voice had once been the music to his ears, but now it does nothing to him. He had been so caught up in his mind that he didn’t realise Rin was calling for him.

“Daddy wants to speak with you Alpha.” He took the phone back reluctantly.

“Alpha Matteo, I would like to request permission to visit your pack. I am booking the flight now and I will be there tomorrow.”

He agreed with a heavy heart. When he ended the call, he noticed her crouching at the very corner of the room.

“Something wrong?” She shook her head, but didn’t say a word. He picked her up, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. He waited for her reply, but it never came. She had placed her hands around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder.

Not long after, she was asleep, just in time for her afternoon nap.



They were waiting outside. Her parents had just crossed the border and would soon arrive at the packhouse. Matteo took a glance at his child. His wolf is whining sorrowfully inside his head. He was devastated too, yet he couldn’t prevent her from leaving. Rin deserved the best, and he is just not it.

A howl brought his mind back to the present. He saw her parents hopping out of the car and they immediately ran straight to her. They hugged her tightly, pulling back to check on her, and then hugged her back. Their happiness is so evident on their faces that he felt a hint of jealousy inside his heart. Then Rin ran and embraced one of the guards.

Matteo went from being jealous to downright furious. His wolf was also growling, not liking that his daughter is hugging a boy. This guard in particular looked young.

Then, he noticed Zane came up to him.

“Thank you so much for rescuing our Ryleigh.” Zane then requested to meet him at his office. Matteo was a little confused since he thought that they would return immediately after getting Rin back, but he agreed nonetheless.

Once they were inside the room, Matteo offered Zane and Anna to take a seat on the sleek brown sofa. He also took a seat on the other side of the sofa, facing both of them.

Zane remained seated as he watched Matteo keep a hand on his leg to refrain his feet from shaking.

Although he could never forget what Matteo did to his mate, he believed that forgiveness is long overdue. In the beginning, whenever Matteo was able to regain his consciousness for a short while, he would always appear on Zane’s pack borders. Zane would always find Matteo kneeling and asking for forgiveness from Anna. Of course, Anna didn’t know about it, since he knew that she would most certainly forgive him in a heartbeat.

Having babies had turned her into a compassionate woman.

However, as the years went by, Matteo’s condition became worse. Rumors spread that Matteo’s wolf had taken over for almost four years. Some people began doubting if Matteo had turned feral.

Then this year, word had gotten out that Matteo finally regained control back from his wolf. Yet the doctors were not sure if he would be able to retain his control.

“I heard that your wolf had gone feral.” Zane stared at Matteo, looking for some sort of signs that would tell him that the rumor wasn’t true.

Yet, Matteo only sighed and nodded his head. “Seems like the rumor had spread huh? I knew that there’s no use in hiding it.”

An Alpha never shows any sign of nervousness or weakness around another Alpha. The shaking of his feet and the immediate answer that Zane received just shows how close Matteo is to being feral.

“How-how much time do you have left?” Anna stuttered out. She, too, was as shocked as Zane is. Having a feral wolf is equal to death, at least for the human soul. It is only a matter of time before his wolf took control completely, and his soul was destroyed. When that happens, his wolf will either die or return to the wild and live as a normal wolf, usually with no memories of its life as a shifter.

“Maybe one or two years? At least that’s what the doctor said,” he said as he sat back on the sofa. “I feel like it’s going to be shorter than that. Even though I had regained my control back, he would somehow manage to slide past me and take over.”

“I heard about that. But I also heard about something that might be able to heal you.”

Zane had personally heard it from Matteo’s doctors. They had seen the massive recovery he had made in the days after he met Ryleigh. They believed that spending time with his pups might be the best and only therapy option that they had left.

Nine years ago, if he had been in this kind of situation, he would have killed Matteo without a doubt. For several months, when Matteo kept showing up in his pack borders, Zane had actually regretted not killing him when he could. But, as he sat here in this room, he couldn’t help but pity Matteo.

Sure the guy was a total douchebag, but no one deserved being tortured like this.

It might be stupid of him to trust a practically psycho man, to take good care of his precious daughter. He, himself, is unsure whether this is the right decision. But he is going to do it if he could save Matteo’s life.

“There’s nothing that can help me now. My doctors had tried numerous things. None of them work.”

“Why don’t you hear me out?” While Zane was waiting for an answer, he saw the battle Matteo had with his wolf. If Matteo refused to hear him out, he would drop this idea. Half of him is against this idea anyway. No point in forcing Matteo if he refused to listen.

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