Chapter 6

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Anna's POV

After sending my manuscript to my editor's house , I went to a café and ordered a cup of hot chocolate and donuts because I was craving for it .

When I got my order , I went to a table and sat down . My mind wondered to the dream I had last night . It's such a weird dream .

I dreamt that I was in a place , almost like the pack house but instead of a werewolves , I met scary ghosts . Like the one with the particularly long neck or the one who had a mask on his face and no feet . It's like a haunted pack house .

While I was thinking , I didn't notice someone calling for me . I finally noticed when that person shook my shoulder .

"Excuse me , are you Anna Carey?" A man asked.

"Yes , I am . What do you want ?" I snapped . My hands immediately went to my belly on instinct . I didn't care even if I'm rude , if he hurt my babies , I wouldn't hesitate to kill him .

I felt a little weird to feel so protective over something . I'm usually too scared to act this way or to shy to ask people about anything .

To my surprise , he raised both of his hands in surrender and said "I'm not gonna hurt your baby . Have you forgotten me ? How troublesome ."

Who is he ? Is he just some stranger who claim to know me ?

But the more I look , the more I felt like I've known him all my life . I tried to think of anybody who looked like this when suddenly something clicked inside my mind .

I gasped , stood up from my chair and hugged him .

He stumbled a little , obviously not expecting me to do that ,before he chuckled and hugged me back .

"Nice to know that you remember woman ."

"Long time no see , Charlie . And for your information , I only know one guy who loves to say troublesome . " I laughed .

"But what are you doing here ? And how do you know about my babies ?" I questioned .

"Wait , babies ?" I nodded and watched as his frown turn into a grin before it returned to a frown again .

"What's wrong with you ? Bipolar ?" I asked , my curiosity getting the best of me , resulting in him pinching both of my cheeks .

"Since when did you become this annoying ?" he teased .

I whined and slapped his hands away , rubbing my now red cheeks .

"You started it ." I mumbled .

To my surprise , he only sighed and put on a very serious expression .

"Anna , can you take me back to the pack house ? I have something to explain to you and this thing is connected to the dream you had last night ."

I agreed with him but I decided to eat my meal first before I left . Beside , it is cold out there , and I don't like cold .

He sat beside me , waiting patiently while I ate my donuts happily . He also don't like the cold so he didn't mind staying inside the warm cafe .

When I was done , we left the cafe and he led me to his car .

"Charlie , I brought my own car and I'm gonna use it . You can follow with your car or ride with me ." I snapped after 2 minutes of arguing . After realising what I had done , I immediately apologised .

"It's alright , mom acted this way too when she was pregnant with my brothers ." he consoled after he saw tears slipping out of my eyes .

He decided to follow me with his car , not wanting to fight in this cold weather anymore , so I got into the car and drove back to the pack house . When we arrived he gathered Jack, Chloe , Ashley, Cole along with grandpa Max inside Jack's office .

"You can start talking now " Jack said .

Charlie sighed and said " I want you to keep this promise , what I am about to tell you must not leave this office . "

All of us nodded and he continued " Anna you are not a human . "

I blinked once , twice and said "Huh ?"

"Remember the names method that your mom told you ?" I nodded .

"It's a method that our . . . . . species use . You see , you are a mix of a werewolf from your dad and a guardian angel from your mom ."

"But daddy isn't a werewolf ." I stated , feeling confused .

"He was , he was an Alpha who had lost his pack therefore his wolf couldn't bear the guilt that was slowly eating him from the inside . You know that if the wolf die , the human will also follow . Your mom met your dad when he was dying and saved him immediately , by sealing your father's wolf away . "

I closed my eyes and started to sink the information in .

"The reason why you have no similarity to a werewolf or a guardian angel is because guardian angel can not mix with other species , that's why when you were born , your body didn't show any sign of being either of them . The babies that you have in your belly , will either be a guardian angel or a werewolf . So don't freak out when your baby suddenly have powers or anything like that ."

I nodded but he wasn't done .

"Okay , guardian angel are nearly extinct Anna . We reproduce just as much and as easy as you werewolves do but , not all of our babies survived after being born ."

"W-What do you mean ?" I asked , feeling tears started to cloud my vision .

He sighed heavily , refusing to meet my gaze as he spoke " Your babies might not survive , they might die Anna ."

"Anna, being a guardian angel we can see and hear the sound of the lost souls bugging you every moment of the day . The sounds are filled with constant crying or screaming of the lost souls since they tend to be attracted to new born guardian angel . "

"Their looks aren't that friendly either . . . sometimes the babies can't stand their presence , when that happens . . . . " he seemed hesitant to say it .

"t-they die ?" Chloe asked , her face showed how much shock she was feeling .

"The lost souls took their lives and destroy their souls ." he muttered , but all of us heard it clearly .

I rubbed my baby bump , trying hard to keep myself from all the stress .

"Why can't you guys do anything about this ?" Chloe asked .

"Because they need it so that they can help other souls ." I stopped rubbing my baby bump , lifted my head and looked at him .

"What do you mean ?"

"Guardian angels are made to protect souls . We saved them , released them and guard them . Lost souls love to destroy people's lives and happiness , like giving them bad luck or getting them killed . We are made to prevent that from happening ."

"W-why didn't mama tell me ? " I muttered .

"I don't know but they did tell grandpa Max ."


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