Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

"Hi grandpa Max." I said , returning the hug that he gave me .

"You have a lot of things to tell me little flower ." he chuckled , letting me in before closing the door .

I went to the living room and sat on the couch .

"No , my life wasn't very . . . fun there ." I mumbled .

"You left five years ago as a teenager and came back as a mother , of course you've got a lot of things to tell me ." his laughter filled the living room . However it didn't last long , before he realised something .

I kept my head low , staring at the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world .

A few minutes passed and none of us uttered a single word . Out of curiosity , I lifted my head to see his eyes fogged over .

He's using the mind link .

I yelped when his eyes changed back to normal and he kept staring at me .

"Don't you have anything to say to me Anna ?" he asked , crossing his arms together to look more intimidating .

He's scary enough with that look on his face .

"Anna " he repeated again .

"I-I want to abort these babies ." I stuttered .

"And why would you do that ?" he asked with the same tone .

"Because I can't care for them . I can't love them ."

"Anna Rina Carey , I demand the truth ! " I flinched and kept my head down .


He sighed , pinching the bridge of his nose , a sign that he's stress .

"Flower , please tell me what's wrong . I promise I won't get angry ."

I didn't like seeing him so sad and stressed so , in the end I broke and confessed all of my feelings to him .

"I am scared , I'm scared that I won't be strong enough for my babies , I'm scared that I won't be able to protect them . And not just that , I'm scared that they'll hate me ." I sobbed , placing my head on his lap as he stroke my hair , listening to my feelings .

"That's not possible Anna ."

"Yes it is , they'll know that I'm stupid enough to believe their own father . They'll think I'm weak and useless . And -and"

I'm sure that I repeated the same stuff over and over again , but grandpa never got angry but . . .

He hit me once in the head , scolding me for even thinking of suicide when I accidentally told him about my plan to hang myself inside my room .

"Anna these are normal . From my experience , most girls got panicked when they are pregnant . And all of your worries are also experienced by your mom ." he said , petting my head .

"Mama? " I asked rubbing my eyes to get rid of the tears .

"Yeah , so don't worry , too much stress isn't good for the babies ."

"Why ?"

"Because you could lose your babies ." he chuckled again then closed my mouth . I just realised that I was gaping .

"Don't worry , I'll help you and so will everyone ."

"But Ashley got pretty mad when she knew I was gonna abort my babies ." I mumbled , feeling sad to even think about it .

Pregnant and RejectedWhere stories live. Discover now