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Anna's POV

When I woke up at 4 in the morning, I felt pain that was known as contractions. However, I had been feeling this so-called false contractions for a week now, and had learned to differentiate it with a real contractions. When the contractions didn't leave and get stronger, I knew it was a real one. So, to take my mind off of it, I went to the bathroom to try and make myself presentable. When I stepped into the shower to take my toothbrush that had somehow ended up there, my water broke.

I just stared at it and before I had the chance to say anything, my mate came rushing through the bathroom door. We looked at each other then at the puddle of water.

"Did you pee yourself?" He asked, stepping closer to me.

"Um. Actually my water just broke..."

He seemed dumbfounded for a moment before he picked me up and ran all the way to the small hospital room, yelling for the doctor. Since I was scared of giving birth to four potentially humongous kids, I decided to get a C-section. I was too focused on the pain that I didn't notice anything that was discussed the whole time Zane was talking to the doctor.

Zane's POV

After what felt like a lifetime, I finally heard my first born's cry from the hospital room. At the same time, I received a message from my warriors that Alpha Jackson, Luna Ashley, Beta Cole and Female Beta Chloe had crossed our border and is on their way here.

"I'll bring them here. You stay here in case Anna needs you." My father said, giving me a pat on my back before walking down the hall way to wait for them in front of the pack house.

I sat outside the hospital room listening as several cries filled the hallway.

"I think all of them survived the birth." Charlie said, appearing out of nowhere.

I leaped away from my seat instinctively. My heart beating a mile per second.

"Can't you stop appearing out of nowhere and actually use the door for once ?!" I growled.

Ever since we left the lycan's castle, Charlie had been summoned back to his kingdom. Since he had been given orders by his mother to check on the babies, he had taken to using his powers to appear out of thin air. While he admitted that it was to save time, I suspect he only did it to annoy the hell out of me.

"It is quicker this way." He grinned. "By the way, didn't you guys plan to deliver the babies in the Wood pack? Why the change of plans?" I sighed and took a seat beside him, waiting for the doctor to appear any moment since I figured that the surgery should be done by now.

"There had been some threats that were made and some rogue sightings near the borders of their pack." I sighed, remembering the gruesome threat that Jackson had received. It arrived at Jackson's front door several days after we left the castle. "We had agreed that it would be best if Anna gave birth here."

"What does the threat say?"

"In short, it said that chaos will befall on the Wood pack if Anna gave birth there. Though the note seemed like a child prank, it was delivered together with a decapitated wolf head. I don't want to take any chances."

He nodded in understanding. I am still contemplating the reason why the threats started. To begin with, who sent those rogues to patrol outside Jackson's border? Even Jackson reported that they doesn't seem to be interested in anything inside the pack. Their attention are mostly directed to the people who visited the pack. But why?

"Have you considered the fact that someone may have known that secret?"

"I had, I had even considered that those threats and rogues may have been sent by Matteo's father."

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