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Anna's POV

The next few days passed by in a blur . I just felt like something was missing all the time , and that something would only disappear when Zane call me . We didn't talk much because he was busy , but I appreciated his effort to call every day and night like he promised .

Sometimes , he would call me in the afternoon for trivial things like , what colour do I like , or what do I like to eat . He said that they were more important than his important paperwork which made me giggled . So far , our relationship had been good but I dreaded the day that I had to leave the pack .

Jack , Chloe , Cole, Ashley and Grandpa Max wouldn't be there . What if he decided to lock me up there ? What if he took my cellphone ? I wouldn't be able to call for help ! I would be held prisoner for my whole life ! Worst of all , what if he decided that he didn't want the babies ? What if he forced me to give them up , or worse -kill them !

"Ouch! What the....Ashley !What did you do that for ?!" I rubbed my head , giving her a frown .

"I can just picture you thinking worthless things inside your head . You've got to stop that Anna . Give him a chance ."

"I am giving him a chance , but trusting him is a completely different matter ."

"But he's going to be the father to your children , shouldn't you trust him ? Not to mention he is your mate , although I know the pull for a human isn't that strong , surely you feel something for him ."

"That's the point Ash , because I feel that pull , I want to trust him but on the other side I think that it's too soon to trust him . I haven't even known him for a month !" I said , shaking her shoulders furiously .

"Okay , okay , stop it . You're making me dizzy ." She said , putting her hands over mine . "I know you're frustrated , and I should remind you that it isn't healthy for the babies ."

"Right....the babies....gotta be careful."

"Have you packed everything ?"

"Yes , I probably over packed , but I didn't want him to buy me anything ."

"Over packed ? How many bags do you have ?" Chloe asked , entering the room with some snacks in her hands .

"Yeah, it's strange for you to over packed ." Ashley said , snatching one of the snacks from Chloe. "Ooo, gummy bears , thanks Chloe ."

"Uhm, one suitcase that contains all my clothes , and two bags for my books ."

Both of them started laughing , and I had no idea why.....hold on.....oh , I get it .

"Fine , laugh all you want . He should be glad that I didn't decide to bring my whole collection ." That didn't work the way I wanted , because it just made them laugh even harder .

Suddenly my phone rang , I took a look and saw that it was an unknown number . Did someone get a new number ? I didn't exactly go around giving my number to strangers , and the people who knew my number were listed in my contacts . I did changed my number when I ran away , maybe I missed someone . Curiously , I picked up the call and waited for the person to speak up .

'Hello ?' This voice sound very familiar but I still kept my mouth shut . This person needed to introduce themselves before I said anything .

'Hello ? To whom am I speaking ?'

Ash and Chloe had gotten quiet . I knew they could hear everything with their abilities , so no need to put it on speaker . There was a ruckus on the other side before a different voice spoke up .

'Anna! Anna-I know you're there ! How dare you ran away ! Do you know how much humiliation I faced because of you ? Tell me where you are right now ! I WILL find you and drag you back !' I dropped my phone , desperately scurrying away from it .

Chloe quickly threw my phone away , with her strength , I knew there's no way my phone would survive . However , I didn't want it to survive , I didn't want anything that he could track me with . I didn't want him to find me , I wanted him to leave me alone . Why couldn't he do such a simple task ?!

"Anna....Anna calm down ! We're here for you , the pack is here for you , Zane is also on our side , he won't let anything happen to you !" I whimpered as I felt tears filled my eyes .

"Anna you're not alone , we are here with you , we won't let him take even a step inside the pack ." Ashley said . Chloe and her pulled me into a hug , soothing me with their words .

Afterwards , I had no appetite for dinner , after all that mess , who would ? I really didn't want to leave tomorrow , but Cole told me that Zane would insist that I stay with him if he knew about this incident . I didn't think I would last long if I had to face the pressure of meeting new people , I didn't want to leave my comfort bubble . If I leave this pack, I'll leave my comfort bubble . There's no guarantee that Zane's pack was going to like me . If they didn't , they could easily handed me over to him .

Not to mention , Zane was an Alpha , I had to be his Luna . Luna had big responsibilities that involved the pack .The Luna role wouldn't fit me , I am a human and I hate to socialise . I just wanted a husband with a normal face and body , a normal job and a normal life . I guessed asking for normal is too much here .

Sighing out loud , I took notice of the unusually loud growling sounds . Is there a fight ? I scooted near my window to find out .

My eyes scanned the pack ground , finding an unfamiliar car , parked in front of the house . That's weird , Jack didn't mention any guest coming today .

All of a sudden , my door flew open , revealing a very angry looking Zane. I gulped , I didn't do anything wrong did I ? Before I could say anything , he engulfed me into a hug , sniffing my neck repeatedly .

"Z-Zane ? Is something wrong ?" I was shaking for fear that he might harm me .

He didn't reply . He simply continued to take deep breaths , embracing me tightly as if he thought I would disappear . After a while , I started making circle patterns on his back , it seemed to have a calming effect on him . A calm Zane was good for my heart so yeah ,  I kept my doing just that .

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