Chapter 8

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Unknown's POV

I was eating with my beta and some of our guards . We had just stopped by a diner to eat after a long journey . In just a few minutes , we would pass Alpha's Jackson territory to meet him .

We were just joking around , enjoying our food when my wolf started pacing in my mind . It was the second time today and the tenth time this week . I tensed , and tried to ask him what's wrong again but he ignored me and continued to pace .

He had been acting weird , even the usual run couldn't help him calm down . He took control of my body and tried to run when I shifted yesterday.

My pack mates noticed it and tried to figure out the problem . When they mentioned​ about returning to the pack , my wolf growled even louder and almost took control . I managed to calm him before he shifted inside the diner .

"I think he wants to visit the Wood pack as soon as possible . Pack the food , we're leaving now ." I announced .

Jack's POV

The Redmoon pack was coming today to sign the alliance between my pack and theirs . Somehow , I got the feeling that something good will happen during his visit .

"Jack , when will the other pack arrive?" My mate asked , carrying my sleeping son in her arms.

"They should arrive in an hour , have you prepared the guest rooms ?"

"Yep , by the way where's Anna and Chloe ?"

"They're going to the mall to get some new clothes for Anna. Saying she's​ growing fat and none of her clothes fit her ."

Before she could answer me , my phone rang and I answered it .

"Hello ?"

"Alpha Jackson , I need your permission to enter the pack land ."

After giving him the permission , I left the office with my mate. She went to put Xavier in his room while I went downstairs to greet Alpha Zane .

I saw him getting out of his truck along with his delta and enforcers .

The moment he was out , he started sniffing. " Is there something wrong ?" I inquired .

"What is that smell ?" He muttered , his pack mates looked as confused as I was .

"Pardon me Alpha, but what are you talking about ? What smell?" His Delta asked .

He was about to answer when Chloe's car turned up . He immediately rushed to the car yelling 'mate !' which left me stunned .

What the- another mate ? It was unheard of ! His pack mates were smiling until they heard the loud growl from their Alpha .

"Um- I have already found my mate. Chloe , what's happening ?" Anna was being pressed on the cold metal of the car , as she looked at Ashely for help .

"Believe me Anna, I'm just as confused as you are . One person having two mates is unheard of !"

"You have a mate ?" Alpha Zane asked , growling even louder than before .

"W-well , I had a mate , he rejected me . And I'm pregnant , him being the sperm donor ."

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?" He was raging , but when Anna whimpered with a frightened look on her face , he became quiet .

After what seemed like hours , he cleared his throat and spoke with a much calmer voice. "I'm sorry , it wasn't right of me to do that ."


"Why don't we go inside and talk ?" Ashley suggested , taking Anna's hand , leading her inside .

The rest of us followed , taking a seat in the living room . Alpha Zane took the closest seat to Anna , leaving only a couple inches between them .

"So...." I started "What's going to happen now ?"

"Please just let me think about this Jack ." Anna said , covering her whole face with her hands.

"I think it's better for you to talk together in private ." Anna turned her head ,looking at Ashley . After their silent conversation , Anna nodded her head .

"You can use the meeting room Anna."

Anna's POV

I sighed , great another mate . I didn't know if I should be happy or sad or angry that I had another mate .

This Alpha had been okay so far , he seemed attentive ,unlike a certain someone . He hadn't uttered a word since we left the living room , I was still wondering if it's a good or bad thing .

"What's your name ?"

"Anna Rina Carey ."

"I'm Zane Fernandez .....How do you feel about finding me as your mate ?"

"To be honest , I'm not sure ."

"I see ." We feel into a deep awkward silence again .

"How far along are you?"

"I'm entering my fourth month ."


"Quadruplets actually , two of them have no scent ."

"Boy or girl ?"

"Two boys and two girls ." I let out a laugh , causing him to look at me questioningly "I feel like we're playing twenty questions here."

He gave me a small smile but didn't say anything . We entered the meeting room and took a seat .

"Usually , the female will join the male's pack and live together with him , but seeing as this isn't a normal situation , what do you want to do Anna ?" I shivered when I heard my name coming out of his mouth . It felt so good ....

"W-well.....Are you going to reject me ?"

His horrified face and the growling sound gave away the answer ."Of course not! Your ex-mate may be stupid enough to let you go , but I'm not !"

"Oh...well-I-umm....Okay ." I could feel him staring at me but I was too frightened to look at him . He kept staring at me , then I realised he was waiting for my response .

"I-if I accept you as my mate , what will happen to my babies?"

"I'll raise them as my own ."

" you give me some time? Just to think about this -"

"I'm not going to allow you to reject me ." He cut me off with his deep husky voice . Although he sounded very calm , his face was anything but calm . I yelped when I saw his face , he looked ready to explode any moment .

Suddenly I remembered that mates could calm each other by touching , therefore I decided to try it . The moment my hands touched​ his , his body stopped shaking . I was surprised when he took me into his arms and buried his face in my neck .

"I wasn't planning to , I just need some time to adjust to this 'mate' thing ." He didn't say anything , just continue sniffing me .

"How long ?" He growled lowly .

"One month ?"

"Too long . I'll give you one week , end of discussion . You're mine and I don't intend to let you go ."

I didn't know why but it pleased me when he said that I was his . "...Alright" he gave me a kiss on the forehead , growling softer this time .

We sat in that position for a while , I didn't know how long but it felt so comfortable that I felt myself slowly falling into a deep slumber .

Pregnant and RejectedWhere stories live. Discover now