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Anna's POV

"Has it been so long that you had forgotten my voice ?"

I felt as if I had lost my voice , I couldn't speak up . I knew I should end this call immediately . I knew that yet , I seemed to have lost control over my hand . I couldn't move them .

"So now you've resorted to ignoring me huh ? But that's fine , I can just give you the punishment that you deserve when I get you back . And don't forget the punishment that you will receive for opening your legs to other men ." He then let out a chuckle , I could just picture his face with a sinister smile as he did that .

"Now let me tell you a little something , my little mate . I know where you are . I know you are living in Zane's territory . I know you are sleeping with someone , probably Zane . But I'm sure he'll let you go soon . After all , no one wants the attention of the council ."

Council ? Zane mentioned it this morning . He said that Matteo couldn't take me away if I become Luna . What if the council arrives before I become Luna ? Will I be forced to leave Zane ?

"The council is currently on their way there . It it unfortunate that I couldn't be there to drag you back to my pack . But , no worries , we will meet at the trial . Take good care of yourself little mate , I want you back in a good condition ."

When I heard what he said , my senses kicked in . I threw my phone away as hard as I can . I'm sure I broke it , but it was not one of my concern right now . I don't want to be separated from Zane ! I don't want to go back !

I gasped , finding it hard to breathe . I was moments away from fainting , when the door slammed opened . A large warm hand , stroke my face , and I heard a voice, telling me to calm down and take a deep breath .


"Shhh, it's alright . I know , I know what happened , and I will make sure that it is not going to happen ."

"But the council is on their way -and you said the ceremony is tonight , that means they'll be here before the ceremony and they'll take me away . I don't want that !"

"I don't want that either " he said , wiping my tears away . His eyes fogged over , a sign that he was using the mind link .

Then he let out a sigh , telling me that the council has arrived at the pack border and is currently making their way here .

I cried even harder , the thought of being separated from him is hurting me .Zane stayed quiet and hold me in his arms until the council arrived .

"Alpha Zane , we have received the accusation that you have taken Alpha Matteo's Luna and forced her to be your Luna ." There were five men standing outside the house . I knew that they were lycans . The council and royals consisted of the lycans and even five of them are more than enough to wipe out a pack .

I let out a sob , still not letting go of Zane . The man looked into my eyes and I felt as if he's reading me . Power is radiating off of him , yet I find warmth in his eyes .

"Miss Carey, you need to come with us ."

"I don't want to ." I whispered out .

"I'm afraid you'll have to , it is the normal procedure . I don't want to take you by force , seeing as you are pregnant but I will be forced to do that if you are not willing to obey ." Even with the harsh words and the hard tone , the slight pity in his eyes that flashed for a second betray him .

Zane put me down , giving me a kiss , one that ends too quickly in my opinion and told the men to take good care of me .

'I am not letting you go Anna . I will get you back .'

I nodded , pulling him down for a long passionate kiss . It may seemed  that he gave me up too easily, however I knew better . Even as a child, I had heard of what lycans are capable of . They are true to their words, and any threat from them should not be taken lightly.

The man led me to a car and I watched Zane until I could no longer see him . The man, whose name I have yet to know, was kind , asking me if I was uncomfortable or if I needed anything . When I did not reply , he let out a sigh.

The rest of the journey went by in silence since the rest of them had no plan to be engaged in a conversation. We stopped several times, mostly it's because I need to relieve myself.

Being in a car with no music and no conversation is practically a recipe for sleepiness. I fell asleep in the middle of the way , and woke up when I felt someone shaking me.

"Miss Carey , we've arrived." The man said extending his hand for me to take. He helped me out of the car and led me to a castle-like building.

"Where...where am I ?"

"Welcome to Lycans' Palace Miss Carey. Gilda here, will guide you to your room. The council will meet you tomorrow, for now you should rest."

The girl named Gilda, was wearing a maid cloth , with her blonde hair wrapped up in a bun . She gave me a smile, then proceeded to lead me to a room.

"Should you need anything , just ring this bell." She said before closing the door.

Somehow, they had prepared a night gown that was just the right size. However, even after falling asleep on the way here, I was still sleepy.

Maybe it's because of the pregnancy, or being away from Zane, whatever reason it was , I quickly changed into the nightgown and slipped into the heavenly comfortable bed.

It's my first update this year:). Hope u guys enjoy it.
Comments and votes are greatly appreciated .

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