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Anna's POV

When Zane was calm enough , I sat on my bed . He stood in front of me , crossing his arms over his chest . I repeated my earlier question and waited patiently for his answer , silently wishing that he wouldn't erupted into an angry wolf again .

"I could feel your fear through our bond , that could only happen if your feelings are strong enough because I haven't marked you yet ."

"So...you thought I was in danger ?"

"What do you expect me to think ?" He snarled , scaring the hell out of me .


"I-it's fine....."

"What happened ?" I was reluctant to tell him , due to the fact that I didn't wish to remind myself and made him angry again .

"I don't want to talk about it ."

"Anna," he said ,kneeling down in front of me and took my face into his hands "We're mates , you should tell me what made you scared , I will do anything in my power to eliminate it ."

I couldn't speak , the sparks that came when his hands touched my face had blown me away . I didn't really notice the sparks when he hugged me , for I was too scared . It felt weird but surprisingly good at the same time .

His face was in front of me , and his lips looked very kissable . Wait , wait what ? Where did that thought come from ? But his lips looked so delicious , I wanted to kiss them .

Suddenly , he leaned in and kissed me softly . I was surprised , the sparks seemed to spread all over my body making me moan . When he pulled back I whined , pulling his face down for another kiss . This time feeling brave , he deepened the kiss .

This was the hormones' fault , yes , it's the pregnancy hormones . I had never acted this way before ,not even with him . When I began to feel light headed , I pulled back , breathing heavily . Zane was smiling , his eyes sparkled with happiness .

"Do you like it ?" He said , smiling so widely like a child who had just been given his favourite toy .


"As much as I like this , we should stop Anna , my wolf and I still want to know what happened ." He said , placing a kiss on top of my head .

I nodded softly , moving to sit on his lap . He wrapped his hands around me , making me felt safe . I took a deep breath and began talking .

After I was done , he was shaking badly , I looked up and gasped . His eyes are black , a sure sign that his wolf took over .

"YOU'RE MINE! Nobody was going to take you away from me ! Not even your ex-mate ! You are my mate ! Mine! Say that you're mine !"

"I'm yours ." I stuttered out , trying to be as calm as possible but desperately failing when I saw his canines . "Z-Zane , please calm down , I know you won't let him take me ."

"Damn right I won't!" He shouted , his face starting to change into a wolf's .

Now I wished that my room wasn't soundproof , nobody could help me calm him down . Saying things only made him angrier , touching him clearly didn't solve anything because I had been sitting on his lap for a while .

I tried placing a quick kiss on his nuzzle , to see if it would do the trick . He sat still , but at least he stopped growling , before he shifted fully into a wolf and started licking my face , my hands , generally every part of my body that wasn't covered with clothes .

I was afraid he would bite me if I protest , so I kept quiet . When he stopped licking , he lay down , cocooning me in his large frame . I wanted to take a bath , because it felt disgusting having his saliva all over me , therefore I tried to stand up and move to the bathroom .

Surprisingly he let me go , unsurprisingly he followed me to the bathroom , letting out a growl when I was about to wash my hands . I huffed , maybe it was in his nature to lick his mate but I was a human , being licked did not feel good !

Turning around , I head back into my room and sat on the floor . It was cold and hard but it was better than getting saliva on my bedsheet . When he returned I refused to look at him . I was dirty and I incredibly wanted a bath .

A moment later , I heard the sounds of bones cracking , immediately after that I felt two arms wrapping themselves around me .

"Why are you upset mate ?"

I kept quiet , giving him a dirty look when he turned me around . He watched me , trying to find the reason to why I was mad which he failed .

"I'm sorry for getting out of control earlier ."

I kept quiet , still looking at him with narrowed eyes .

"I'm sorry for shouting at you ."

Still no reaction from me .

"I'm sorry for frightening you . I'm sorry for growling at you . I'm sorry for anything that I had done to make you angry ."

I raised one of my eyebrows . "Let me take a bath ." I muttered , turning my face away from him . He didn't growl as I expected , instead he rested his head on my shoulder , his breath tickling my neck , causing me to shiver involuntarily .

We stayed that way for the rest of the night , I didn't think I could fall asleep but I did . Maybe it was the calming effect or the sense of safety that I felt around him that drove me to sleep covered in the disgusting wolf saliva .



When I woke up the next morning , we were no longer in the floor. We were lying on my bed instead , with the saliva still on me ! I forcefully moved his arms away , and got up from the bed . My poor , pitiful bed , now tainted with saliva . I had to wash this sheet at least 5 times before I could use it again .

Zane was still asleep so I used this chance to take a shower , probably the longest I've had in my life . I walked out of the bathroom , feeling content and clean . Zane was still lying in the bed but he was awake this time .


He looked up with a frown on his face . "I'm going downstairs for breakfast , do you want to come along ?"

"Are you angry because I licked you last night ?"

"I am angrier when you won't let me take a bath than when you licked me ." I said , slipping on a gray hoodie . " If you didn't notice Zane , I had a bit OCD . I can't stand it when I saw dirty things , especially in my bedroom . Outside my bedroom , I don't really care if it's a mess but when it comes to the place I sleep in , it needs to be absolutely clean ."

He seemed to process everything that I said before a small smile appeared on his face ." So you don't mind if I licked you again ?"

"Before you lick me again , I want to know why did you do that in the first place ."

"Well , my wolf just wanted to cover you in our scent . Because I haven't marked you and I forbid him to , he resorted to licking you ."

"Oh...well, I don't really like it . It feels weird ."

"Yeah , if you don't like it that much , I promise we won't do it again . Just don't ignore me again ." He stood up , pulling me closer to breathe my scent .

"Thank you ."

"Again , no need to thank me mate ." He chuckled , kissing my cheek before going to the bathroom .

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