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Anna's POV

I left the bathroom probably about 10 minutes later , because it was uncomfortable to sit on the floor . Zane came back a few minutes late , I might have been worried that he no longer wanted me so I was relieved to see him . A part of me was scared that he would give up on me , so I quickly apologized .

"I'm sorry ." I frowned and lifted my head " Why are you apologizing ? You didn't do anything wrong ."

"No , I should be the one apologising not you . I'm sorry , I didn't take your feelings into account ."

Seeing that I was confused , he told me that he learned my past through Chloe and Ashley and apologized again . I was upset that he asked someone about my past and not me , and could feel my anger sprouting again . However , when I thought back , I was not exactly in the right mind and would obviously not tell him even if he asked me .

So , even if I was upset , it would be useless to fight again . He had known about my past and nothing could change it .

"Well , are we still going back to your pack ?" I asked , silently wishing that he would cancel the trip .

"Yes , but before that I..." He sighed , then giving me a look that I couldn't decipher , he shook his head "Nevermind ."

I was confused , but decided to let it go . If it's something personal , I wouldn't want to pry . Add to that , we had just fought , no need to find another reason to do the same .

Zane took my hand and led me downstairs , I guessed we're still going then . Several minutes later , after saying goodbye to the pack , we left the pack ground .

The ride was silent , none of us utter a word . He was very considerate though , stopping several times just to let me go to the toilet because of my pregnancy . Halfway through , it got darker and he decided to stop. We checked in to a hotel not long after we had dinner .

"Zane why did we stop ? I thought you want us to arrive at your pack today?" I asked , sitting on the bed .

He was kind enough to ask me if I wanted to sleep together or separately . I had a hard time choosing but decided on sleeping on the same bed with the no touching rule . He seemed surprised but gave me a nod with a small smile .

"I do , but I don't want you to sleep on the car seat . You will feel uncomfortable ."

"Oh....thank you ."

"Like I said , no need to thank me . It is my duty to care for you ." I could feel his eyes linger on my belly before shaking his head and told me to take a bath .

After we were done , we slip into the bed , with me still wondering what his gaze meant .

"Anna...Is there something wrong ?"

"Why would you say that ?" I asked , feeling comfortable in the soft bed .

"I just have that feeling ."

"Well , you won't mind if I ask you a question or maybe....two ?"

"Ask away ."

"Why did you stare at my belly just now ?"

He didn't respond for a while . Thinking that he didn't want to tell me , I turned to my side of the bed with my back facing him .

"I just..."heaving out a sigh he continued "I just want to touch your belly . Many of my pack mates have told me that it felt wonderful , and after hearing so much stories about it , I kind of want to try it ."

I stayed in the same position , not knowing how to respond to that .

"Anna ?"

".....You can touch ." I whispered , feeling just a little bit exited that he was showing his affection to my babies.....I think ?

"Really ?" He asked , his tone expressing his excitement .

I turned my body to face him , giving him a smile and nodded my head . He gave me a full blown smile ,then turning his gaze , he raised one of his hands and gently laid it down on my belly .

As if sensing him , my babies started to kick . He looked surprised .

"Is that....."

"Yes , they're kicking . Thankfully not so often , or I would be doomed ."

He grinned , lifting his another hand to my stomach . His hands made me feel so comfortable that I struggled to keep my eyes open .

Zane's POV

I guessed Anna was tired for she fell asleep quickly . I was going to join her but my phone suddenly rang . I quickly answered the call before it woke her up .

"What !" I asked harshly , angry that this call almost woke my mate .

"Is that anyway to talk to your mom ?"

"Uh , hi mom ." I replied awkwardly .

"Why aren't you here yet?" I heard another voice shouted in the background .

"Hush ! It's your bedtime Oliver . Go to your bedroom !"

"Soooo , is there something wrong ?" I chuckled , imagining Oliver's pouty face as she went to her bedroom .

"Did you take my advice ?"

"Yes mom . We're in a hotel right now . Thanks for the advice though , or I wouldn't have thought about it ."

"I won't blame you , you've never been pregnant so it's natural that you don't know everything about it . Not that you will ever be...."

I chuckled , caressing my mate's cheek , causing her to lean her face to my hand . "I think we'll arrive around noon tomorrow . Make sure not to notify anyone except the warriors who were patrolling that we're going to arrive tomorrow . Also , just in case , have the guest room nearest to my room cleaned ."

"Why ? Does she not want to sleep in the same room ?"

"Well , she is sleeping beside me right now so I think she doesn't mind but.....have it ready....just in case...."

"Okay , if you say so . I also have the nursery room ready . I bought the cribs , the clothes and....I'm pretty sure I had everything ready , but I'll leave the decoration to your mate ."

"Yeah , thanks mom ."

I heard her sighing , I knew she wasn't too happy to hear that my mate was pregnant . She wanted me to have the best , and according to her , the fact that Anna had another mate before me , meant that Anna wasn't the best choice .

"I just don't understand why the Moon Goddess choose her for you ."

"It's okay mom , you know I am happy with her . She's been through a lot , so please don't put too much pressure on her . I won't ask you to get along , just try to get to know her ."

"I know , it wasn't her fault . It was all her mate's fault ! How dare he tricked her like that ?!" Mom was extremely sensitive about mates , why I didn't know , but I had some ideas in my mind .

"Ex-mate mom......he no longer has the right to be her mate ." I growled lowly , careful not to wake my mate , no matter how much I wanted to snarl at the thought of him .

"You're right , I'm sorry........ I'll be waiting for you tomorrow . Make sure to take good care of her okay ?"

"Kay mom , goodnight."

"Goodnight ."

I ended the call , chuckling when I saw that , despite her wish , Anna's body was snuggled as close as she could to mine . I put my phone away and snuggled closer to her .


Sorry for the late update , I will update the next chapter this week .  Thank you for the votes and comments .

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