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Happy New Year guys and a very late Merry Christmas to you guys :) I want to thank you for the support that you have given me last year. I am sorry for disappearing on you guys and not updating regularly, but I plan on completing this story soon. So, if you enjoy this story, please vote and comment.

Hope you have a nice day ;)

Anna's POV

I woke up, feeling cold and uncomfortable. The bed was soft and comfy , the room was nice and toasty, there shouldn't be any reason for me to shiver and my body to hurt all over. As I was thinking about it, a knock on the door brought my attention.

"Miss Carey, may I come in ?"

"Oh, y-yes Gilda." She came in, carrying a duffle bag. "Good morning, Miss Carey."

Upon seeing my face, her smile turned into a frown. She dropped the bag and suddenly appeared in front of me, Placing a hand on my chin, she moved my face left and right, her frown deepening as seconds went by.

"Is this room uncomfortable Miss Carey? Are you feeling well? Should I call a doctor? Oh who am I kidding, of course I should!"

"Wait-what?" Before I could stop her, she stormed out of the room, yelling the name Louis over and over again.

Deciding it was pointless to chase her down the maze of halls, I decided to see what's inside the duffel bag. It was full of my clothes and underwear. Finding the things that I needed, I went to the bathroom, yelping when I saw my face. My face was paler than usual, there's big eyebags under my eyes, my lips chapped and pale.

"Oh god, no wonder Gilda was worried. I looked like a freaking zombie."

Before I could brush my teeth or wash my face, the bathroom door was swung open by the one and only Gilda.

"Miss Carey, you shouldn't left your bed. You could harm the pups !" She led me back to my room, where a man, who I presumed was the doctor, was standing near my bed.

I lay on the bed, answering the questions that the doctor inquired as he checked me. When he was done, he stored his tools back to his bag, before meeting my eyes, giving me a reassuring smile.

"The pups are great, there's nothing wrong with them."

"If there's nothing wrong, why does she look like she had just been run by a car?" Gilda interjected.

"I'm getting to that Gilda." He replied, giving her a smile, before turning his attention back to me. "This is simply the after effect of being separated from your mate."

I frowned, having never heard of this condition. "But I've completed the mating with him...."

"True, however; you're currently pregnant. Usually in female wolves, the sense to be together with their mate heightened when they get pregnant. Pregnant female wolves experience symptoms such as throwing up, your body hurting all over, etc, when separated from their mates. Although you're human, I think that with the Alpha babies growing inside you, you experience what a normal she wolf would."

"Will this affect the babies in any way?"

"It will indirectly affect them. If you threw up constantly, or if you couldn't get enough sleep, your babies will be affected. You need your mate by your side as soon as possible."

"I will inform the council to have the trial scheduled immediately." I lifted my head to see an incredibly god like man, walking into my room. God must have taken extra time in creating him since I could only describe his looks as out of the world. But then again, almost all werewolves have an out of the world beauty. Even Gilda and Louis possessed the look of supermodels. Wait...I'm getting out of track here...

"Prince Elliot!" Gilda and Louis immediately bowed their head in submission. The closer he is to me, the more I felt the need to bow, and for a human like me to feel that, means that he had a lot of power, since humans mostly couldn't feel this power.

"Hi there, my name is Elliot, nice to meet you Anna."

I shook my head out of the trance, and shook his hand. "H-hi..."

He kneeled down, however, due to his impressive height, even while kneeling down, he is still taller than me. "Here is the part where I normally say that you are beautiful, however, I am sure that even you are aware of how you look right now." He chuckled, and I let out a smile.

"I had heard everything from Zane, and I would prefer to let only them brawl it out in court. However, the council had decided to summon you to the court as well." I gulped, standing in a room with Matteo and a couple of lycans does not seem enticing at all.

He smiled apologetically, "I know you feel uncomfortable staying in the same room with Matteo, but I can assure you that he will not be allowed near you at any time. I will not let him harm you in any possible way. I promise."

I thought about it for a while. Silently wondering why this particular prince is interested in my case.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" He questions with a devilish smirk that would have made most girl swoon.

"Helping me. What's in it for you ?"

He kept quiet, before ordering Louis and Gilda to leave the room. Then once their footsteps faded, he leaned closer to my ear, whispering the word that I shock me from head to toe.

"Really? B-but-...never mind. All kinds of things can happen I guess."

"I want as little people to know about this matter as possible. It's not something that I want to broadcast to the world any time soon." I nodded, I don't want to be bombarded any time soon either.

"So, is my reason enough to help you ?"

I returned his smirk with a smile and a nod. "Great, I will see if I can schedule the trial to happen tomorrow. In the mean time, I need you to change and eat something for the little ones' sake."

I nodded and try to stand up, however, he held my shoulders and told me to wait. Not a few seconds pass by and Gilda knocked on my door for the second time today.

I gave the Prince a questioning look. "Although I am heavily pregnant, have a terrible back ache, and couldn't see my feet, I am sure I can dress by myself."

"A little bit of help won't hurt you. Now, hurry up and change, I can hear the sounds of the growling tummies inside you." I sighed and reluctantly went to change and complete my morning routine with the help of Gilda.




After a very luxurious breakfast accompanied by the Prince, I was informed that the trial would take place today. It seems that the Prince had delivered the information that I was in an incredibly terrible condition from the separation from my mate. Thus, for fear of my seemingly endangered life and the babies', the council had scheduled the trial this afternoon.

Currently, I am standing in front of a huge door. On the other side of this door, stood the council, Matteo, Zane, and a few representatives from each pack.

"It's going to be alright Miss Carey. The Prince always stay true to his words."

I nodded and with a trembling hand, I slowly opened the grand and surprisingly heavy door with the help of Gilda. You would think that having werewolves baby means having super strength or something, but unfortunately no. I felt eyes on me the moment we successfully opened the door, I closed my eyes for a second, gathering the encouragement and strength from my mate, before I step inside the room.

Pregnant and RejectedWhere stories live. Discover now