Echoes of Anticipation

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Esra's heart fluttered with nervous excitement as she stood at the college entrance, her eyes glued to the door, waiting for Renov's familiar figure to appear. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as anticipation coiled in her chest, threatening to burst forth with every beat of her heart. Finally, the bell chimed, signaling the start of another day, and she held her breath, scanning the crowd in fervent hope.
But when the door swung open,

it wasn't Renov who emerged, but Merin, Esra's charming yet oblivious crush

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it wasn't Renov who emerged, but Merin, Esra's charming yet oblivious crush. A pang of disappointment shot through her, momentarily overshadowing her elation. Merin's friendly smile and casual greeting barely registered as Esra's mind raced, consumed by thoughts of Renov, the unsung hero behind her recent triumph.

 Merin's friendly smile and casual greeting barely registered as Esra's mind raced, consumed by thoughts of Renov, the unsung hero behind her recent triumph

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Despite Merin's attempts to engage her in conversation, Esra's attention remained fixated elsewhere. With trembling fingers, she repeatedly dialed Renov's number, each unanswered call deepening the knot of anxiety in her stomach. Ignoring Merin's puzzled expression, she excused herself, determined to find Renov and share her joy with him.

The bookstore,

 their usual rendezvous point, beckoned like a beacon of hope in the sea of uncertainty

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their usual rendezvous point, beckoned like a beacon of hope in the sea of uncertainty. Esra rushed through the bustling streets, her steps echoing the frantic rhythm of her heartbeat. But as she pushed open the door and scanned the familiar shelves,

 But as she pushed open the door and scanned the familiar shelves,

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Renov was nowhere to be found.

A sense of dread crept over her as she realized the gravity of his absence. Had something happened to him? Was he avoiding her deliberately? Questions swirled in her mind like a tempest,

 Had something happened to him? Was he avoiding her deliberately? Questions swirled in her mind like a tempest,

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each one fueling her rising panic. With a heavy heart,

 With a heavy heart,

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Esra trudged back home,

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Esra trudged back home,

the weight of disappointment pressing down on her with every step, leaving her to wrestle with the tumultuous storm of emotions that raged within her

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the weight of disappointment pressing down on her with every step, leaving her to wrestle with the tumultuous storm of emotions that raged within her.

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